Chapter 2

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Jesse was quiet as she sat on Lluna. The llama rushed off as quickly as she could, running through the streets of Beacontown. People stared at Jesse and Lluna, but Jesse didn't care. She kept a good grip as she stayed on and let Lluna take her to where she wanted her to go to.

She was worried about Stella, and now that Lluna showed up and was leading her to where Stella had been hiding, Jesse was desperate to help her former rival. She wanted to find Stella and convince her to come back to Champion City, where her people were worried about her and didn't know why she ran off.

And Jesse herself didn't fully understand why Stella was in trouble. She understood that Stella must've been going through depression, but why was what made her curious. She didn't think of Stella being someone who could be struggling with depression, but regardless of that fact, Jesse wanted to help her.

"Lluna, how far are we going out?" asked Jesse.

Lluna ignored her. The llama only sprinted more, increasing her running speed. They made it out of town and started to head out into the forest. The llama and the hero ended up going really far out, father past Champion City and into possibly the unknown.

After a long while, night had arrived. A few mobs were out, but Jesse and Lluna kept on going. Soon, it was getting colder, and Jesse could see some snow on the ground.

"Brrr! This place is kinda familiar though..." said Jesse.

Lluna made some noises. She suddenly stopped, and got down. That meant that she wanted Jesse to get off. Jesse carefully climbed off of the llama, and when she did, she noticed that Lluna was looking in the distance.

"Hold on... is that... the ice palace? The one where Romeo made us go after that clock?" said Jesse.

Lluna nodded her head and made a noise.

"Is Stella here?" asked Jesse.

Lluna was quiet. She started to walk in a direction that led somewhere away from the ice palace, but she moved a slow pace, allowing Jesse to follow her. Jesse was silent as she continued to follow the llama.

After a little bit longer of walking, Jesse spotted a cabin ahead of her and Lluna. She didn't remember seeing a cabin back on the last trip to the ice palace, and since there was a fence around it and the cabin appeared to be new, chances were that it was recently built. Jesse and Lluna walked over to the fence. Jesse opened up the gate and made her way through.

"Here. I'll hold it open for y-"

Before Jesse could finish, Lluna jumped over the fence. Jesse formed an unamused look.

"Or you can do that..." she said.

Lluna didn't respond. She continued to walk up to the house. Jesse followed her. She could see a light coming from one of the windows, but the window was covered, so the light was pretty faint. And as she approached the house, Jesse could hear the sounds of a woman sobbing.

'Is that Stella? What could've happened to her?' thought Jesse.

Concerned, Jesse knocked on the door. The sobbing stopped.

"L-Lluna? Are you b-back?" a sniffling voice said.

Jesse froze in silence. That voice. It was Stella.

The door started to open. For a swift second, Jesse could see Stella. But before she could take a look and see if Stella was alright, Stella gasped and slammed the door shut.

"J-Jesse?!" she said.

"Stella, it's me. Lluna came to me, and I think she wanted me to find you," said Jesse. She spoke calmly.

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