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Jesse took a quick glance at the clock. She gasped when she saw that it was almost two o'clock already. She had been so caught up in getting her paperwork done, she lost track of time.

"Oh goodness! I need to go pick up Adam and Ashley," she said to herself.

Jesse was about to get up from her seat, but Stanley saw her panicking. He smiled at his guardian and said, "Don't worry, Aunt Jesse. I'll go pick up my cousins."

"You sure Stanley? Aren't you still packing up your belongings?" asked Jesse.

"Nah. I'll be fine. Besides, I'm hoping I can swing by Ivor and Harper's. I just want to check in on Ramona," said Stanley. "I uh... I wanna ask her if she wants to join me on my adventure..." he said, blushing a tiny bit.

Jesse smiled at the teen. "Alright. If you want to see her really quick, be sure to pick up your cousins to," she said.

"I will Aunt Jesse. I'll be back in a bit with Adam and Ashley," said Stanley.

Stanley snapped his fingers, and he teleported away. Jesse chuckled a bit after Stanley teleported away. The teen got the hang of using teleportation now, and he liked to teleport to anywhere in town.

Eight years had passed since Adam and Ashley were born. Stanley finished school, and he had gotten more used to his powers. He was no longer afraid of hurting anyone and could control himself way better. The town knew about his powers, but not in a bad way. After learning how to control his powers better as he grew up, Stanley often used his powers to help the people of Beacontown or the citizens of Champion City with some of their build projects.

Both towns knew about Stanley's parents, and that his father was the Admin. Some were still a bit wary, but Stanley understood why. He heard about the man that was his father, and he knew of what Romeo did. But he also knew that Romeo wasn't a bad man. Stanley understood that his father was a lost soul, who just wanted to feel loved and appreciated, and have friends and family once more in his life.

And Stanley wanted to show the world that he was trust worthy. He wanted to use his powers for good, and honor what his father wanted by following a path similar to Jesse's. He looked up to Jesse, the same way his mother admired his guardian before the two became friends. And it was for that reason, he wanted to honor what his mother wanted by going on an adventure.

Stanley talked about it with Lukas and Jesse, and they knew that he was old enough to go on an adventure now. He knew how to provide for himself and how to properly defend himself, whether he would use his powers or use a weapon. They didn't want to stop him, and encouraged him to go on his adventure.

Jesse was a little saddened by how Stanley was all grown up now. Sixteen years went by took quickly for her, and she was going to miss Stanley when he would head off on his own. Whenever Jesse looked at Stanley, he still looked like the little boy she raised as if he was her child. There were still a few times where when she looked at Stanley, Jesse could see Romeo and Stella, but it didn't hurt anymore. She knew that they were alive in their son, and that they were never truly gone from the beginning.

Jesse heard someone coming into the kitchen. She turned around to see that Lukas had returned. He was carrying his latest book and some papers. Judging by the smile on her husband's face, Jesse knew that Lukas had good news to share.

"The new book has been a hit so far. My publishing agent just sent in a check already," he told her.

Lukas handed her the check so that Jesse could read it and see the amount. Jesse smiled, but the amount of money could matter far less to her. She got up from her seat and hugged her husband. She was proud of Lukas and happy that he was enjoying his writing career. Lukas smiled and hugged his wife back.

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