Chapter 9

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'Maybe Lluna was right. I shouldn't sneak out like this... but I have to talk to Ramona. Auntie Jesse and Uncle Lukas were really upset, and it sounds like it's all my fault... I need to talk to her because she's my best friend...' thought Stanley.

Stanley walked through the streets of Beacontown. A few people were confused to be seeing the child wandering on his own, but none of them bothered to talk to him. Stanley didn't mind, because he was worried that he might scare the townspeople with his powers unconditionally.

The child overhead Lukas and Jesse arguing, and he couldn't take the feeling like it was his fault somehow. But he figured it was tied to him, especially when they mentioned his parents. Stanley never knew that his mother committed suicide just a few feet away from him. He was just a baby and didn't have any memory of the event.

It was one thing to never know his parents. But to find out that his father was an admin and his mother committed suicide right by him was another thing. Stanley felt horrible about these secrets about Romeo and Stella, and he felt that he was responsible for why Jesse was so glum.

'It's because of me... Auntie Jesse is so sad all the time now because of me... mom and dad are dead, and I've just caused problems... maybe I'll only do that because of my powers, just like my dad did...' he thought.

Stanley let out a sigh. He shook off the feeling.

'Can't let it get to me though. Auntie Jesse wouldn't want that," he thought.

Stanley continued to head out of Beacontown. As he made his way, he was getting closer to where Bad Luck Alley was. Before he could head towards the gates of the town, a voice called out to him and made him stop.

"Stanley?" said the voice.

Stanley hadn't heard that voice in a while. He turned around seeing that it was Jack who called out to him.

"Oh... hi Uncle Jack..." he said nervously.

"Why are you out here? Where's Jesse?" asked Jack.

Stanley didn't answer. Since he hadn't spoken to or seen Jack in a while, this felt awkward for him.

"Did you sneak out?" asked Jack.

"N-no!" Stanley stuttered.

Jack started to approach him. "You need to go back home," he told the child firmly.

"No!" said Stanley.

He quickly turned to run away. Jack started to chase after Stanley, but Stanley made it through the gates to Beacontown. He dashed into the woods and out of Jack's sight. The stab walker tried to chase after the child, but Stanley was too fast for him.

Jack sighed in frustration. He quickly turned back to Beacontown, heading to the temple to get Jesse.

Stanley had hidden after he made sure Jack couldn't see him. When he heard Jack leave, he came out of his hiding spot. The child continued down the path and walked over to Ramona's farm. Since he knew that Ramona's mother didn't like him, he hid among the crops to stay out of sight.

As Stanley got closer to the house, he could hear some shouting from inside. It sounded like Ramona's parents were in a heated argument.

"Come on, Brooke! If Ramona wants to study potions, then let her!" Ramona's father shouted.

"We've always been farmers, James! You really want our daughter breaking the tradition?! Why does she even want to learn potions from that Ivor person in Beacontown!?" shouted Ramona's mother.

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