the ancestral plane

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The Oracle took Onome and they both appeared at a place he called 'the passage'.
There was a very large oak tree with great shrubs. The three is so tall that the top of it was covered with clouds. It could not be seen.

"Being a queen is a great burden, yes you might not be strong enough but all you need is within you"

"I don't understand,"

Onome replied as the Oracle explained...

"All the past Kings before you wore this crown as it is the symbol of leadership of the ancient Amuanamua clan. The crown only chooses those worthy and sometimes it picks the youngest prince instead of the oldest."

He raised his right hand pointing towards the oak tree and a bright light shorn from the tree.
The Oracle spoke quietly and a passage opened from the base of the tree.

"They lies your challenge, you must walk through this path and meet with your ancestors. The Kings of the old, and you must win the challenge given to you."

"What if I fail?" She asked trying not to be too optimistic

"Failure is not an option my queen. All you need is within you. I can see fear all over you but your fear is your greatest weapon. Fear is only a bridge, a passage to reveal our real potential. In real sense fear never really exist, it only lives in our mind. And until you overcome your fears, you will fail and you will be trapped with your ancestors forever. Remember my words, all you need is within you."

He smiled and cautioned...

"Ask only for what you need, and if you win your challenge, your ancestors will live in you, giving you great powers beyond your imagination. You will be the first Avatar since five thousand years. Go now and face your fate oh queen."

Onome was still unsure of what to do but she knew she had to win. She walk closer to the tree and entered the gateway and the passage got closed.

"Who dared into the ancestral plane of the old kings?" An old voice asked

Onome looked for who it was but there was no one. Only statues but the voice sounds so real.

The voice asked again...

"Who are you? Answer before I turn you into one of my status."

Already trembling with fear, she said...

"I am queen Onome, daughter of Ohiofuafo, from the ancestry of king Ovo the great rightful heir to the throne of king Ovuovo the first. Who are you?" She asked...

The voice kept still and chorused aloud

"I am the keeper of this sacred place and I say what is and what is not here. Are you worthy of the crown on your head? Are you ready to face your challenge?"

She was scared at first, she did not know what to say. Then, remembering the words of the Oracle, 'fear is only a bridge to our true self, a passage to our real potential'. She replied...

"I am ready to face my true self."

The voice laughed horrifically and an old man appeared.
He was dressed in white and looked just like the Oracle himself.

"There lies your challenge"

The old man said pointing towards a small pool of water at the end.
The water was stable and they were moving images inside the pool.

"You must pick which of your past or future you wish to see. If you pick rightly, you will find yourself and if you pick the wrong one, you will be trapped in it forever. "The past is the true solution to the present and the present is the mother of the future. Now pick your fate."

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