Battle of the beauties

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The three princesses under the leadership of Queen Onome walked into the black forest courageously, with only one aim, Save ogheneduado and save our Earth.

As they walked they hear voices of wild animals and spirits as the forest is now filled with evil spirits for Esu is winning more disciples to himself but they refuse to be scared.

They continued moving even in their fears and the grave darkness surrounding them as working through the night seems like forcing your way through the needles eye.

They felt the weight of the heavy darkness squeezing them and trying to pull them back.

Eventually, they walked into the path of a very old woman with a native pot attached to her buttocks and her teeth pined deep to the ground.

Hastily, Rukevwe and Oreva wanted to help but Onome stopped them saying.

"Halt! this woman is a spirit."

But on looking deeper, she said.

"she is a good spirit, Esu captured her and placed her here and whoever touches her will die. There is a dark power around her."

The princesses were shocked and they wondered how Onome knew so much but they did not alter a word.

Onome walked round the old woman spirit and she sprinkled some magical powder around her from her bag.

The spirit was set free.

The old woman thanked them and promised to help them anyway she could as they continue on their journey.

Esu who had been watching from his abode asked his trusted disciple, Odja about the maidens.

"Who is that one with the crown?"

The demon Odja answered.

"Dark lord, I believe she is the heir to king Ovuovo's throne and the one believed to kill you."

"Hahaha..." Esu laughed in a mischievous manner

"Is that not funny? So they send a little maiden to defeat me, what a pity I have to kill her first."

He laughed again trying to make Odja laugh also but before the demon tried, Esu ordered.

"Come, get the three demons,"
he said like in haste.

"Get them to destroy the young enchantress, let her not get close to this fortress, I have more serious matters to attend to."

"Yes darken lord,"
Odja, the demon replied.

So he called on the three demons, instructed them to intercept the maidens on their way and destroy them.

The maidens, after leaving the old woman walked on and eventually, they got to a point were three roads meet and walked into a spiritual trap.

They fell into a an illusion.
An illusion where you see all you wished to

A spiritual trap set by some evil spirit to keep their prey busy and captured until thy arrive to devour the trapped souls.

They found themselves in their deepest wishes coming to reality...

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