destiny continues

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The princesses walked closer to the shiny ball. Ogheneduado and the fastest man stood back watching quietly to see what they'll do.
They all stood facing the shiny object and Onome stretched her hand to get it but the force surrounding the ball repelled her and she fell backwards to the ground.
The other princesses rushed towards her and they helped her up.

"Only the beautiful warrior can get the ball of destiny. You all must be one that is the only way to reveal your true power."

Ogheneduado said from a distance, before turning towards the fastest man and he shook his head in a manner of agreement or to say yes.
The fastest man ran towards the ball, vibrated his whole body in a very high frequency and he separated into four individuals.
Together, they all reached for the ball and picked it, within a second, he turned into one again holding the ball with one hand.

"I might be the fastest man alive but alone I can do nothing. When I transform to multiple, each person that is form is a distinct individual and can decide whatever he wants. He can decide not to return back, he can decide to stay on his own and rebelled against me but he won't, he'll surely vibrate fast enough to return himself back to being just one."

He again walked to the very spot the ball was removed from and he placed it back to it's original position.

"I can't touch or remove the ball alone but I can place it back alone. You are at your strongest when you agree to be one in your heart. Remember your every past, everything you saw about yourselves when we were traveling through time, make them to be part of you and start living together as one. Now reach for the ball of destiny as the beautiful warrior."

The princesses walked towards the ball and they gather round it as if to form a circle.
They placed each passhands on the shoulder of the next on both side.

Onome was at the direct middle facing the ball and on both sides were Rukevwe and Eguolo. They placed their right and left hands on her shoulder while the other hands stretched towards Oreva's shoulder and she placed both hands on them in a likewise manner.

They all kept quiet for a moment and stood still, close to the ball of destiny.
The fastest man and ogheneduado washed closely as Onome stretched both hands towards the ball to get it.

A very bright light shorn from the ball as her hands touched it.
The light was so bright that the princesses have to close their eyes and a globe of light was built around them. They remained inside the globe, standing still, quiet and eyes shot against the bright light...

"It's a girl, oh what a beauty."

The midwife said as she carried the little baby socked in the blood of her mother who is struggling to stay alive

"Can, can I touch her please?"

The woman who just delivered struggled to say and the midwife brought the baby closer to her mother who smiled happily as she carried the baby from the midwife and she said with tears on her cheek.

"Her name is Onome meaning 'this is mine.'"

The midwife was scared because the woman have lost so much blood. She need to be attended to by the herbalist but her husband is poor, he have no money to pay for the services.

"My wife must not die, please do what you can for her, I will get the herbalist."

He told the midwife before running off to chief Obiokoro's house.
The Chief owes him some money and he hoped he will be able to take care of his family with it, but he had no idea he will never return to see his wife or daughter again.

"Please, I am very weak. I don't think I can carry on, please my child must not die."

"My friend you are strong, do not say negative words, I know you will be..."

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