great power

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At Esu's abode...

The gate keeper approached Esu saying

"oh darken Lord the warriors arrive, what shall I do?"

"Let them in"

Esu said with an ironic laugh,

"we have some maidens to devour and I will make it fast since everyone have failed me. Even my trusted disciple, Odja is nowhere to be found, I won't allow some little princess bring me down."

He kept laughing...

The keeper was afraid but he have to obey his Master, he went on to his post awaiting the arrival of the warriors.

While the keeper waits, Esu the evil Lord disguised himself as Oluko, (ogheneduado) and he went to another realm.

A realm only known to him, Oluko and the Oracle.

Oluko always went there before the great battle, and sometimes, he took Esu his trusted friend with him on some occasions.

It is called the land of the birds, it is a land of great mystical and magical powers and only the birds lived there.

He went straight to the king of the birds and told him the human race is in danger that a great evil was awakened.

"Esu has gone evil and with the help of some maidens he grew even powerful, the maidens need to be killed else the humans will perish under the wrath of the maidens and that means the destruction of the land of the birds."

As it is believed, the birds drew their life source from the realm of the humans and if the humans should seize to exist, that's  the end of the land of the  birds.

The birds got terrified and the bird king ordered three of his strongest and bravest warriors to go with the disguised Esu and destroy these evil maidens.

The three warriors were Ikpukpuyeke (the old duck), Ilekuku (the old pigeon) and Okporokpuru (the ancient owl).

The three birds prepared for the greatest battle they've ever fought and were ready to give up their life for the greater good as Esu have already brainwashed them.

"I have to attend to something with the Oracle and I'm sorry, I can't go with you, but the balance of the universe rest on you."

The birds were fooled but not for long, still they have to go ahead of the disguised Esu.

They headed straight for Esu's abode hoping to find the maidens there but the Oracle knowing all things through the divine revelation from ogheneduado's divine being sprung up at once and went deep into the ancient Temple of the ancestors, there he demand a meeting with the Eglono (the mighty eagle ancestor) but before he could explain himself the Eglono already knew, infact, he knows everything that happened in the land of the birds and no evil can pass his sight unseen.

Together he and the Oracle intercepted the bird warriors, when the three warriors saw him, they were terrified because the bird ancestor only leaves his temple at times of great danger and his presence only mean more danger. These got the birds terrified even the more.

"Oh holy one, what brought you out of your holy temple?"

Ikpukpuyeke asked.

"Go back to your world and stay out of this battle, the fight is for the humans and not for you"

before they could explain all Oluko, the disguised Esu had told them, he commanded them with a mighty vice,

"depart from this world this moment and tell your king all you saw and heard, you were brainwashed by great evil, this battle is not yours but for the humans, now go and tell your king I said so."

So the birds left and went on to tell their king all they have been told and they sang praises of the mighty bird ancestor.

The Oracle greeted the mighty eagle and they depart.

Esu knowing what had happened got even more angry and he went straight to the eranre (a place of fire), where Oluko had chained down the most ancient evil beings that once roam freely in the black forest (Egbeda). He told them

"the mighty Oluko is no more and now, I am the strongest being in the universe, I need you to help me with something in exchange for your freedom."

Esu told them what he wanted and they agreed to be Ally's. They were seven of them, he loosened their chains and they went straight to destroy the "warrior beauties."

(The great battle with the evil Lord...)

The warriors arrived with Onome leading them, and the keeper asked even though he's afraid.

"Who dares into the darken Lord's abode?"

Onome replied with a furious shout like she has never before

"I, queen Onome, rightful heir to the throne of king Ovuovo the first ordered you to open the gate."

The keeper who was scared already knowing Onome's true identity, without a second thought, opened the gate and the warriors walked in cautiously with Onome leading them. They met Esu sitting on his high sit, he's really the true definition of evil, his eyes were so dark and he had grown three horns, one on both side of his head and a bigger one at the middle of his head.

His complete evil being is a big he goat with three horns.

Esu laughed trying to scare the princesses but they've got the heart of a lion since their friend, the rabbit spirit disappeared in the fight with Odja.

He commanded the ancient demons to destroy them as be watched in amusement hoping to be entertained by the slaughter of the maidens.

They attacked the maidens brutally and the warriors fought back but they were outnumbered in strength, since it seemed these deemons are even too powerful for the brave Onome.

The demons seems to have evolve greatly from their stay in the Eranre 🔥 and they seem to have the upper hand.

Then, from nowhere, a white dove appeared and attacked the deemons.

"See, it's Ilekuku the white."

Rukevwe screamed.

"Ogheneduado be praised."

"Yes, Ogheneduado be praised."

Said Oreva in excitement.

Ilekuku the white, is a bird that lives and died every hundred years, if he died on his own, he's reborn from the remains, he can give up his life to destroy any evil in his sight.

The Oracle had sent the bird to the aid of the the warriors and the ladies watched as they were amazed with the strength possessed by just a little talking bird.

They've heard of Ilekuku the white, but they thought it was just a myth until the very moment.

The bird gave out shots of fire from his eyes and the heat of the fire was ten times that of the sun when it comes in contact with evil. The heat was even hotter than the Eranre.

The fire targeted at the demons went straight and without missing it's target, the were destroyed to be reborn chained in the eranre where they rightfully belong.

It was the ninety ninth year and already twenty fifth hour of the ancient dove.

The fight with the demons seemed his last fight. He turned towards the princesses and they stared at him for a while before he breath his last.

The princesses watch as he bid them victory and turned into a sparking ash and the wind blew it away to be reborn in the shrine of the Oracle...

Don't miss the last chapter, stay close as the fight between good and evil begins.
The birth of the ancient African gods.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2020 ⏰

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