oness, true power

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As the spirits drew closer to the maidens, princess Oreva bend her metal rod into a strong magical metal shield to protect them and the spirit were kept out but they keep on hitting, looking for ways to penetrate through.

Oreva, who couldn't hold out the spirits for long said

"These spirits will do anything to pass through my shield. PL, let's do something on time as my metal shield will not hold forever."

Eguolo who is so confident of herself demanded for some nice music and Onome played some magical tones.

Eguolo started to dance, she danced too well that the spirits stopped, they watched, they love the steps, they all sat down in amazement as they have never seen such a beautiful dancer.

Oreva let go of her shied while Eguolo continued dancing. They all stared at her and her dancing steps were non like they've ever seen.

"Now I believe the rumours about the dancing princess of the first kingdom, 'even the spirits love to watch her dance', what a beautiful dancer"

Oreva said in awe

She can dance for days and she will not get tired but the maidens are on a mission, so they sought for solutions.

Princess Rukevwe the herbalist asked,

"theses spirits were once humans right?"

Onome answered,

"yes, if you do have a plan please be fast with it for even if Eguolo can dance forever, my music will not last forever"

Rukevwe looked around and cutting some leaves, she squeezed them together with both hands, put them in her mouth and spit out the juice in the air.

The air was purified, the juice from the herbs fell on the spirits one after the other and whichever spirit the herbs touched was delivered and they became good spirits once more.

She cleansed all the spirits present and they became friends with the maidens, these spirits vowed to protect the beautiful warriors all through out their journey.

Meanwhile, the three demons sent by Esu to kill Onome arrived and they demand for Onome's life willingly or by force. Onome wanted to fight back but the spirits urged them to carry on saying,

no time maidens, go on and we'll hold them back.

So, Onome and her sisters ran off leaving their spirits friends to hold back the demons even though the spirits were no match for the demons, they fought courageously for hours.

The warrior beauties continued running and they missed their way.

They've got no idea where they were going and they ran into a spiritual trap made by Esu himself.

A trap that no one has ever survived. It shrinks gradually and eventually squeezed out the life off anything or anyone inside it.

The evil Lord who have been watching them since they entered the forest smiled.

"Now let me see how they escape my trap, hahaha..." He laughed

The maidens began to panic as they were scared.

Onome tried to break the trap but to no avail, the more they try to set free, the harder the trap gets.

"Stop fair ones, the more you fight it, the stronger it gets."

A voice said

"Who are you?"

Onome asked, remembering the face from her illusion. That was the king giving her out in marriage to Oluko.

"I am Ohiofuafo, your father, I've been in this forest after I died. I regret ever leaving you behind but I have no choice. I was wrongly judged and condemned to death unjustly by the king, I was labeled a thief because I forcefully collected my money from chief Obiokoro."

He stopped talking and tried to get closer to the trapped warriors.

"Stay back old man"

Oreva cautioned, not sure of what to do if the old spirit is truly evil.

"My wife, your mother was dying after giving birth to you, I had no choice but to break into the Chief's house and collect what he owes me. On my way out, his wicked wife saw me, I pleaded but she screamed and labelled me a thief, nobody wants to hear my own part of the story not even the king. I was sentenced to death before the Chief returned and when he returned, there was nothing he could do as the death sentence have already been passed. I was buried alive in the black forest but before I died I begged the chief to take care of my family and he promised to take you as his child."

Onome burst into tears, she cried bitterly and immediately as her tears touches the ground, the trap was broken and they were all set free.

The princesses asked what had happened and Ohiofuafo's spirit told them,

"only the tears of a true enchantress can break the trap. Go my daughter's, no time for weakness, the world needs you and the fate of the humans rest on you. You must be strong my daughter."

He directed to Onome and lastly he said

"in you is a great power yet unknown, Esu is very powerful but you must believe you are stronger, all you need to do is believe, just believe my daughter, because if you can have just a little faith in yourself, you can do great things, trust me and never forget my words, you can do all things."

Then he disappeared and the maidens continued on their journey not knowing their way still.

"Follow the palm trees, walk under them and you will get to Esu's abode in no time."

The good spirit of the old woman whom they helped earlier on appeared and directed them in the right path.

She have been with them all the way but secretly, she made sure they could not see her, she was waiting for the right time the warriors will need her help.

After showing them the way, they thanked her and she asked them to continue without fear.

She urged them to be strong, remembering them that the safety of the world depend on them. Then, she disappeared.

They walked on for hours and found nothing on their way but large and scary trees. Some trees that bring out blood, and some predator plants, they were scared

"lets be fast princesses, I've heard a lot about this part of the forest."

Onome told the ladies,

"me too, they say trees eat humans"

Rukevwe chiped in, with fear in her eyes.

The maidens hurried but before they could outrun the trees, they all got tied by the shrunk of some of the trees and they were swallowed deep down into the belly of the forest, changing their path and bringing forth a new battle.

Again, here is another chapter, more coming up soon.

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More adventure unfolds as the maidens try to fight their way out of the most darkest part of the forest.

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