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CASEY WASN'T BOTHERED. Or so she claimed. She was pacing around Evan's room, talking his ear off about Izzie. She had originally come for "round four," but after that was over, she began pacing the room and talking, only wearing Evan's oversized tee. While Casey talked, her boyfriend laid in his bed, slightly disinterested. It had been the same thing for the past twenty minutes, Izzie this and Izzie that. Evan loved his girlfriend, but this Izzie business was getting to him. She was getting way too obsessive.

"Casey," Evan chided, "I think you need to take a breather."

"I can't take a breather," she retorted, much angrier than she had intended to be. "She fucking hates me! How dare she spend so much time at the other tables, yet give us not even a second glance? Aren't we supposed to be best fucking friends? Where the fuck did that go!?"


"Don't Casey me," she grumbled, running a hand through her hair. "Honestly, how dare she? She was the fucking bitch to me, playing hot and cold and everything. She barely had time to blink at us! Then she went to slut around with those college boys..."

Casey paused, freezing in her tracks as the words she said hit her.

Suddenly, Casey realized why Evan was insistent on her stopping. She realized she had gone too far, let her emotions get the best of her. Izzie wasn't a slut, quite the opposite. Casey just got rather worked up. She took a quavering breath as her true emotions hit her. She knew she was just jealous, that she was still way too hung up on Izzie. Casey sat down on the bed and closed her eyes, unsure of what to do. The brunette knew exactly why she was that mad about the situation, and she felt sad. She felt the regret, thinking that should've just taken the leap and told Izzie how she felt. Now, it was too late. Izzie was off, probably having fun with college boys, finding herself another Nate, all because Casey was too scared.

"Casey, are you okay?" Evan asked, coming up by his girlfriend and putting a hand on her back.

That hand was well-intentioned, but it just made Casey feel worse. Here she was, in the room of her boyfriend, but she was thinking about a girl, a girl who was miles away. Casey was guilty, and she felt like finally she understood what Elsa did what she did.The track star knew that Evan deserved to know what was going on. She knew she shouldn't be with him if she was feeling emotions for someone else. But it was so hard to let go. She couldn't bear to break Evan's heart right now. She loved him. Even though she felt something for Izzie, it didn't change that she loved Evan. The way she felt about the two were completely different, and she didn't know how to handle it.

"Evan... I'm not okay," Casey confessed, looking up at him before burying her face into her hands.

Concern was written all over his face. Concern for a monster, someone who didn't deserve any of it. Casey believed that she deserved no sympathy, that she was just as bad, if not worse, than her mother. She was a hypocrite; she saw exactly how her mother's mistakes had ruined her family, ruined her father, yet she continued to live a lie. And Casey's situation was even worse: she felt actual emotion for Izzie. If it was solely sexual, solely attraction, then it would be easier to handle. But it wasn't. What she felt for Izzie was unique, and it made her feel scared, scared of her own emotions and feelings.

"You can tell me anything, you know?" Evan tried not to pry, but it was hard when he was concerned. He knew Casey was hiding something, but he wanted to wait until she was ready to tell him. He had rushed into things with her once already, and he wasn't going to make the same mistake. "Is it something at home?"

Casey shook her head sadly.

"Are you and Sharice in a fight?" Another shake. "You and Izzie?"

"I don't even know anymore; that's the problem," Casey sighed, turning to face Evan.

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