Chapter Five

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Rowan's POV

It was Monday morning. I woke up early, for school. I got dressed, putting on Brandon's hoodie. I don't know if he wants it back, but I'll still wear it until he says something.

I walked into the kitchen to see if my dad was there, but Brandon was there instead, eating breakfast. I grabbed a plate of eggs and toast, sitting next to him.

"Did you see my dad this morning?" I asked, taking a bite of the egg.

"No. I don't think he came back last night." Brandon says, making me sigh.

"Can you text me if he comes home please? I just wanna know if he's safe." I asked.

"Yeah. Of course." Brandon smiles.

I smiled at him back and turned back around to continue eating. We both finished eating after a few minutes, putting the plates in the sink.

"I should get to school. Don't feel so lonely without me." I chuckled.

"I'll try not to feel lonely, I have Fishy to keep me company." Brandon giggled a little, making my heart warm up.

All of the sudden, I just hugged him. "I'm glad you're back. See you later." I pulled away.

"Wait do you have a ride?" Brandon asked, stopping me.

"Well, Trevor always picks me up halfway to school. I think I should be fine-

"I don't want you walking alone. I'll walk you to school." Brandon says, putting on his other sweatshirt.

"Wait- are you sure?" I asked, thinking about how everyone would feel if they saw Brandon.

"I'm sure." Brandon smiled.

We both left the house, and I made sure Brandon had keys to the house. He did, which is good because I don't want him locked out. We walked to school in silence, but halfway there, Brandon touched my hand, intertwining our fingers. I all of the sudden felt safer.


We turned around. "Need a ride?" Trevor asked, pulling up in his truck.

"I think we'll be good." I glanced over at Brandon.

"Okay. You going back to school?" Trevor asked Brandon.

"No. Just dropping her off." Brandon says.

"Okay. See you there." Trevor says.

We continued walking to school without saying to each other, until I spoke up.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back to school?" I asked.

"I don't know." Brandon sighed. "I kind of miss it. I'm just afraid of going back."

"I see what you mean. Do what you think is best." I said, Brandon nodding.

We arrived at school. Everyone all of the sudden starts whispering and looking at us. I start to feel uncomfortable.

"Yo Brandon my boy!" Someone who is kind of friends with Brandon, trying to do a handshake with him.

"Brandon's back!" Some chick yelled.

"I can't believe they sent Brandon instead of Zoe and Sean to jail..." Someone mumbled.

"I'll see you after school, okay?" I said.

Brandon nodded, and I let go of his hand. Brandon leaves and I walk in the school. Everyone looks at me, because I was just holding hands with Brandon Darrow. "The kid who got arrested for doing something he didn't do" is what he's known as for now.

"Rowan, are you okay?" Elisia asks me.

"I'm fine." I said, walking over to Brandon's locker.

"Everyone's talking about you and Brandon. Rumors are already flying." Elisia says.

"That quick? Wow." I mumbled. "We literally got here a few seconds ago."

"Are you guys together or something?" Elisia asked.

"I don't know. It's complicated." I lowered my voice.

"How?" Elisia asked.

"I don't think we can call each other boyfriend and girlfriend until one of us can confirm it. We hold hands from time to time, and we had our first kiss since he got released from prison... I mean, you saw. And he pretty much told me that he likes me before he got sent to prison, so.. I don't know! I like him but I don't know if I'm ready for another relationship." I explained.

"At least he's your age. You guys are just dating without even knowing it. Everybody saw you guys holding hands, you guys kissed twice, Brandon kissed your forehead the other day. What do you think a relationship is?" Elisia sighs.

"I don't know, Elisia. Okay?" I mumbled.

"Okay." Elisia says. "Oh and um, can you come to the hospital with me later today? To see Ash?"

"Yeah, of course." The bell rang. "I have to get to class." I added.

I walked into class, and decided to sit in my actual seat this time. Brandon is back, so I think I should learn to sit in my own seat.

"Is Brandon coming back?" Some boy asked me.

"He's back from prison after three months for a something he wasn't going to even do and wasn't planning on it. I don't know if he's coming back to school though, he wasn't sure." I explained.

"Are you two together?" He asked.

I shrugged.

"I mean, if you two are, it's kind of weird because he used to bully you and everyone saw you guys holding hands like five minutes ago so..." He added, making me feel annoyed. "Did he just come to drop you off?"

"Yeah." I mumbled.

"Is he living with-

"Can you like... stop asking me things? Thanks." I said, interrupting him.

"Okay class so for today's lesson-

"Sorry I'm late." A familiar voice said, making all of us turn around.

Everyone started whispering and gossiping.

"Welcome back, Brandon. Glad you're back." The teacher says.

Brandon sits in his seat. The teacher continues looking at him. "How are you doing? Are you okay?"

"Well, after those three months stuck in a prison cell for something that I wasn't going to even do and didn't even plan because some stupid person called the cops on me, with fake 'evidence' may I add, I wasn't going to shoot up the damn school because that's fucked up. Who hates me that much to frame me for a school shooting that wasn't going to happen anyways, finding out that my dad died, missing out on all these important stuff because I was in fucking prison for something I didn't do, but sure I guess I'm fine." Brandon went off.

Everyone went silent. I slouched on my seat, feeling guilty. I couldn't pay attention. I felt so fucking guilty.

I stood up with my stuff and ran out the door. I heard the teacher call my name, then I heard Brandon calling out my name. I start crying, walking out of the school.

"Rowan." Brandon catches up to me.

"I'm sorry Brandon. I'm so sorry. For what I did." I cried.

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