Chapter Six

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Rowan's POV

Brandon tries to hug me but I couldn't allow him to. Brandon was confused, and I understand why. I'm going to tell him but he just got back two days ago and I don't want him stressed out. But I guess I should tell him.

"Rowan, talk to me." Brandon says, looking directly into my watery eyes and grabbing onto my hands.

"Can we go home first?" I asked.

Brandon nods. We walked home. Once we got home, I unlocked the door. We entered the house, going to my room.

"I did it, Brandon." I mumbled, looking onto the floor and letting a tear slip out.

"What? What did you do?" Brandon asked.

"You're going to be so upset." I said, avoiding eye contact.

"Just tell me, please." Brandon says, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear.

I just panicked, so I ran into the bathroom and locked myself in there. Brandon ran after me, banging on the door. "Rowan, come on please."

"I don't want this to happen again." I cried. "I don't want for you to leave again."

"Just tell me what happened, Rowan." Brandon says in a low, calm voice. "Please."

"I-I set you up to go to prison." I nervously say, more tears running down my cheek.

"Y-you what?" Brandon says, his voice cracks.

"When I discovered you were King Cobra, Stinger offered me if you should get sent to prison. S-so I.." I sniffed. "So I said yes because I was so upset t-that y-you were King Cobra. I later shouldn't have said yes because you w-weren't king cobra." I cried even more, slamming onto the door.

"S-so you set me up to go to that shitty place?" Brandon's voice started shaking.

"Y-yeah. Stinger set up a bunch of files to make it look like a school shooting was supposed to happen, and then Stinger sent an anonymous tip to the police." I cried, turning my back on the door and sliding down to the floor.

"I can't believe you." Brandon slams on the door, making me flinch.

"I'm sorry Brandon. I shouldn't have done it. I really shouldn't have. It was so stupid.. I..." I burst out sobbing.

"B-Brandon?" I sniffled.

I opened the door and he wasn't there anymore. I looked at the window. He left through the window. Just like he did with that other night.

I wiped my tears away, still sniffling. I grab Fishy, cuddling him and laying in bed. I knew this would happen, and I shouldn't have told Stinger to send Brandon to prison. I regret it, badly.

I grab my phone, sending an I'm sorry text to him. He's not going to respond, I know it. But it's worth a shot. Where is he going to stay? He's probably going to stay with Trevor but he doesn't have his stuff.

Brandon's POV

My heart dropped as she cried, confessing to me that she's the reason I got sent. And I spent freaking three months thinking about the girl that sent me? I couldn't take it anymore.

I had to leave, but I'm going to come back later tonight. I don't feel like staying at Trevor's, and I don't feel the need to take my stuff.

I walked over to Rowan's window, opening it and climbing out of it. I walked away from Rowan's house, walking down the street. I sighed, letting a tear slip down my face.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I knew it was Rowan. I didn't want to take my phone out, but I couldn't resist. I stopped, grabbing my phone. She feels genuinely sorry. I don't know what to do.

I walked to the park, sitting on the park bench. I just sat there in silence, looking at my phone that wasn't turned on. It feels so shitty to be betrayed by someone you have feelings for.

Rowan's POV

It's been a few hours since what happened. I hadn't done anything. I'm just waiting for Brandon to come back home so I can say sorry ten million more times.

My phone went off and I grabbed it from my nightstand, hoping it was Brandon. It was Elisia instead.

Elisia: Where did you go? I thought you were at school.

Rowan: I'm sorry, I just left and ended up telling Brandon the truth.

Elisia: You TOLD him you're the reason he got sent to prison?!

Rowan: I had to tell him some day. He's super pissed. I apologized but he just left.

Elisia: I'm sorry about that. I'll come pick you up to go see Ash.

Rowan: Okay. See you later.

I hear the front door open. I stood up and looked out the window. There was no police car, so it shouldn't have been my dad. I want to believe that it's Brandon, but I feel like he wouldn't come back now.

I slowly walk over to the front door. I see a figure standing there and I froze. I grabbed something nearby me and walked closer to whoever was standing there. I realized that it was Jake and I dropped the object.

"Jake.." I mumbled.

"I came here to see you." Jake said.

"I thought you were deployed.." I looked up and down at him.

"I'm just here to visit you and Elisia." Jake says, stepping closer and I back up.

"Our thing is done, okay?" I said.

"What are you talking about?" Jake smirked, backing me up into the wall.

"Jake I'm seriou-

"What the fuck are you doing?! Get off of her!" I hear familiar voice say.

Brandon pushes Jake off of me and pins him to the ground, punching him over and over again. "Don't fucking touch her again. I fucking dare you to and if you do again then you're done."

"Brandon." I pulled him away.

"Stay away from her. Get out of here, pedophile." Brandon says, pushing him out the door.

"Brandon.. thank you. When did you come back?" I asked.

"Well, I came back an hour ago but you were too distracted in Fishy." Brandon says, wrapping his arms around me.

"He's a pedophile. I don't know how you know him, but it sounds like you guys used to hook up." Brandon says. "Don't do that again." He whispered in a low voice, like he did with that day he told me to stay away from him.

"I'm sorry, Brandon." I say again. "What can I do to make it up to you?"

"Just leave me alone for the next few days, okay?" Brandon says, walking back to his room.

"Wait!" I call out to him, grabbing his hand.

"What do you want, Rowan?" Brandon asks.

"Your birthday is this weekend." I said.

"Yeah, I know." Brandon says. "Just leave me alone until I feel like socializing."

I heard a car honk outside. I turn around and leave.

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