bAd TrEaTmEnT oF kPoP iDoLs

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this is a bit more serious chapter, unlike the one about snorting cheezits.

it's about how much idols get treated like shit.

y'all know SM treats their idols like shit right?

well they do. and it's a lot worse then most people think.

Lee Taeyeon of Girls Generation went on a healing camp a little while ago and opened up about her issues. She said she drinks to help her sleep at night and GG is all she has left.

LuHan, ex-member of EXO filed a lawsuit against SM for poor treatment of him and his fellow members and the over excessive amount of work with little coming to show with money.

The managers for NCT basically control what the boys say and do. If one of them starts talking too much or laughing, some managers will do whatever they do to get them to stop. It could literally be anything from the stink eye or shaking their heads, we'll never be too sure, but we do know they have strict rules for what NCT can say and do.

all of this to say.....

SM is a shitty company.

goodbye hoes.

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