00:23 - 00:50

12 2 4


im not tired and i think that's a problem.

like if i got ready to good bed and put down my phone i wouldn't even fall asleep

i have school tomorrow

this is not good

im going to fall asleep in first period which is honestly my least favorite Period but favorite subject

my clock says its like 3 am and i was freaking out and i was like "wTf I hAvE sChOoL iN 4 hOuRs Im NoT rEaDy"

anybody else gotta wear fucking uniforms to school?

if so, you know my pain of wearing basically the same shirt but different colors and khaki bottoms every. single. day.

do i have to learn and be educated because if i had to choose between being educated and unhappy and dumb and happy, id rather be
dumb and happy.

someone explain to me what i just wrote because i wrote this like 20 minutes ago and forgot about it

goodbye hoes.

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