a RaNt AbOuT mY fRiEnD pArT tWo.

10 2 6

i FiGuReD oUt WhAt ThAt ScReEcH wAs

iT wAs JuSt My SiStEr BeInG tHiRsTy FoR sOmE bAnD sHe'S iNtO tHaT iSnT kPoP oR bIlLiE eLlIsH sO iDk ThEm.

that like legit scared the shit outta me

oof during random points during my school day, daddy flamingo kept popping into my head and i couldn't stop laughing during my test that they had to send me out into the hallway.

at least i have an A in that class

all of my friends are midgets

goodbye hoes.

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