Step 7: Consistency

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The way your characters act does not need to be consistent in any way.

Their personalities can change to fit whatever the story needs. Especially the MC.

MC is a shy girl who would never speak up to anyone? That's okay. She can suddenly have an outburst of badass behavior whenever the story needs it.

No one really needs to be consistent. Not even the crush.

Crush can be a total jerk to most people but be super sweet to the MC. He can even be mean to the MC at times. As long as you put in a couple nice moments, readers won't care that the crush is a jerk. Just change it up to fit whatever situation you want to put in.

Want a reason for the character's change in behavior? Use alcohol.

Just remember that alcohol makes everyone open, spontaneous, and fun. It also often leads to sexy times. So readers will love that.

MC can be as shy and sweet as the most innocent person on Earth, but once you add alcohol, she becomes super sassy and wild. This will help her hook up with her crush, who will totally have a behavior change too.

The crush will either sleep with the MC or turn her down out of 'respect.'

The MC's best friend can be protective and swear to keep the jerk crush away from the MC, but as soon as the plot calls for it, the best friend becomes set on actually setting them up together instead of keeping them apart.

Just remember that you can change character personalities as much as you want. As long as the changes lead to sexy times, readers won't really mind. Most readers don't even pay attention to character development, so why spend time on it? Just do whatever it takes to get to the next scene of fluff and/or smut.

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