2. Satan himself

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I walked into history mentally preparing myself for the boredom that would soon overtake me. My school was not some cliche school that had cliques, mean girls, bullies, or populars. Yes we did have very well known people in our school that were extremely attractive (mostly the guys) and some even had multiple girls fawning over them but most people didn't give a shit about them and that's how I liked it. There was only one "popular person" that got on my nerves and always brought out the worst in me. This man was Satan himself, the ruler of my personal hell. This idiot was none other than Damian Accardi, the most well known, hottest guy in our school, the girls drooled over him and the guys wanted to be him. He was the quarterback and captain of our school's football team and son of Daniel Accardi, CEO of Accardi Enterprise, a multi-million dollar company that Damian would soon take over. So Not only was Damian smart, handsome, athletic, he also GOT MONEY. I personally couldn't stand Damian for his narcissistical and egotistical personality. He slept with and dated girls left and right and I couldn't stand how cocky he was. Not to mention the fact that he has made it his personal job to torture me since the beginning of high school. The door suddenly opened taking me out of my miserable thoughts, Ah, speak of the devil and he shall arrive. Damian walked into the class 10 minutes late as per usual.
           "Ah, Damian so glad you could join us take a seat please", Mr. Moore, our history teacher told him. Damian just ignored his words and looked around for an open sit, quickly realizing that I was sitting next to one of the 3 empty seats in the classroom, I began to pray to every god I knew, hoping he wouldn't see me. But since God hates me, Damian stared straight at the empty seat next to me and smirked his cocky little smirk, he walked down and took a seat immediately looking over at me. "Hey shorty", he immediately said with his deep voice that may or may not have sent shivers down my spine, I paid him no attention and went back to learning about the boring lesson that I already knew.
             "Shortyyy", no reply 

              "Shortyyyyy", still no reply coming from me.

              "Shortyyyyyyyyyy", he said finally getting me angry 

               "What do you want Damian!", I snapped.

                "Woah there, don't be so harsh", he replied.

                 "Don't be an asshat", I said with a don't fuck with me tone.

                  "Me? Rude? Excuse me miss but I am the gentleman of all gentleman"

                   "I find that very hard to believe", I said in disbelief.

                     "Your words sting my heart shorty"

                      "5'5 is not short!"

                       "Is to"

                        "Is not"

                          "Is to"

                            "Is not"

                            "Is to"

                          "Is not"

                          "Is not"

                          "Is to!", I said without thinking.
                         "HaHa! You said it yourself you rlly are a shorty!", he replied with his stupid cocky smirk on his face.
                      "Ugh, like I care you're being annoying, stop talking and actually try to learn something", I told him with a look of indifference even though I was fighting to keep a small smile off my face
                     "Face it! You love me sooo much, you probably dream about me everynight!", he said with a knowing look.
                    "Ya sure, you're more in my nightmares than in my dreams"
                    "Aha! So you do dream about me everynight", he winked at me. I turned around signaling that I was done with his bs. He slowly turned around in his seat with a smile on his face.
                 Ten minutes into class I was done, my last three brain cells were going to die if I had to listen to any more of this lesson, with nothing better to do I looked over Damian. To put it simply, the devil was smoking hot. Everyone knew it and no one could deny it, not even me. At 6'4 Damian was a mountain, with aqua-green eyes that you could stare for hours at and short brown hair I would sometimes find myself wondering if I could run my Han through it, Damian was built but not too built, he was lean, with strong biceps and calves that went on for days, I don't now about you but calves are a weakness of mine, to me there's nothing better than a guy with well-muscles calves. Damian was everything I saw in a guy and believe it or not i sometimes did find him as a character in my dreams. If not for his personality, I would be drooling over him by now. Damian seemed to have caught me staring cuz the next thing I knew a paper was being passed to me
                "Quit staring would ya it's getting kinda creepy", I rolled my eyes at his stupid note and turned to face him to see that he was already looking at me with a smirk.
"Honey if I was staring I'd be blinded by your ugliness by now", I replied back. He looked over at the note with a frown and was opening his mouth to say something when the bell rang. Hallelujah! Free at last I thought to myself
"Don't forget class tomorrow we're taking our field trip to the history museum", the teacher said as the kids were running to get out of the most boring class ever.
I quickly packed shouted a bye to Damian and walked out the door feeling like a reborn child, until remembering I had another hour till snack would come. I suddenly came to a stop when I heard, "Bye Shorty!" Coming from the other side of the hall. I turned around to see Damian waving his hand around like a maniac trying to get my attention, well he sure did have it now.I looked at him, rolled my eyes, and face-palmed myself trying to hide the grin starting to spread on my face. I turned back around and began walking now with a grin on my face, the next period torture long forgotten, the only thing on my mind now was a certain boy with green eyes that wouldn't get out of my head.

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