3.The Field Trip

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  Doing a sport at school was one of the best choices I had ever made, sure sometimes you have lots of pressure on your plate and sometimes you just want to break down, but have you ever experienced walking out of school an hour early because you don't have practice? That right there is the best feeling in the world. I walked out of school and got into my car, immediately playing "SICKO MODE" by Travis Scott because I wasn't some basic bitch who liked singer like Taylor Swift and Dua Lipo. Lots of guys were amazed at the fact that I actually listened to music that wasn't pop and believe me I understand where they're coming from. In our town, rap is unheard of, but to me listening to rap is honestly the best feeling in the world, especially when you know all the words to a song and people just stare at you as you go off. As I pulled out of the parking lot I saw a person walking behind me and almost ran over them thank god I stopped just in time.
      "Are you crazy you almost could've killed me!!", the person I almost ran over yelled. I turned around to say I was sorry when I saw who I almost killed, the one and only Damon.
        "Omg I'm so sorry I wasn't looking back and you were there and I feel so bad and omg please don't call the cops oh god!! Please I'm begging yo-
        "What are you even talking about I'm not telling the cops that you almost ran over are you an idiot?!", he said in an annoyed tone.
         "I now kinda wish I did run you over", I told him while narrowing my eyes at him.
        "Whatever, just look where your driving next time okay?", he said with a bit of concern in his voice.
         "Aww is damey worried about me", I said while talking in s baby voice.
        "Ha! No I just don't want you to kill someone next time".
        "Whatever bye", I said already agitated that he was wasting my sweet precious time with his talking. I drive away before he could spout some more shit. I was driving around when I got the sudden craving for Chipotle. Ya I know "chipotle isn't even real Mexican food" so what?! Do I look like I care I'm a hungry girl and I need to be fed something good. I walked into the nearest chipotle I can find and order myself a bowl with extra guac. I dig in to my heavenly meal and almost let out a moan at the first bite. Being the fatass I am, I eat the bowl in under 10 minutes and go to throw away my trash. As I stand up to leave I catch a sight of Damian and his friends sitting in a booth. Deciding that I have had enough of Damien for a day I try to leave the restaurant unnoticed and luckily IT WORKS, I praise Jesus and the lord and finally get out of chipotle, look at me I'm a NiNJA I can go unsuspected by anyone!! Realizing I have 3 more hours until practice I decide to finish all my homework.
       3 hours go by and it's time for me to ZOOM to fencing. I've been doing fencing since I was 10 and I'm not too shabby especially since I have an A18 to prove it (basically means that I'm the highest ranking fencer especially since I've kept my A every year for the past 3 years). But anyway I love fencing and everything to do with fencing, my friends, the coaches, meeting new people from different states, traveling, and competing. I'm hoping that my fencing skills can I help me get into an Ivy League school helping me achieve my goals of becoming a neurosurgeon. Big dreams am I right?! I walk in to my club and see some of my friends already there and warming up.
              "Hey babe!! Ugh thank god you came today or else I would've been all alone!" One of my closest fencing friends, Mina says. I've known Mia since I was 13 and let me tell you this girl can Fence!!! She's probably better than me even though we have the same ranking. Lots of my other friends from fencing were older than me and continued to do fencing in the college they attended and although I most all of them I sometimes get to see them at Junior Olympics and Nationals.
              "Hey Mina! How was October Nac?", I wasn't able to attend because I had tennis season and our coach was especially hard on us during these times.
               "It was good, I got 1st in juniors! By the way are you teaching Saturday class with me?", She asked. Sometimes our coach would ask us to teach the younger kids and I loved teaching Saturday classes
              "I'm down, should we do conditioning, sprints, or circuits?", I asked. Me being an exercise  junkie I loved to make kids sweat.
                " I was thinking we could go a bit easy on them and give them some conditioning.", Mina said with some thought.
                  "Alright I'll come up with a few things",  l told her, already thinking about what to give the kids since today was Tuesday. We started to warm up and do some drills when people started coming in. We practiced advances, retreats, fleshes, hand and foot touches, defenses, and coupes. I fenced with lots of people, won most, only lost to Mina (I'm telling you she's better than I am) and by the end of the class I was drenched in sweat and hungry REALLY REALLY HUNGRY! I knew there was a Taco Bell near my club and went to get a crunch wrap supreme, something that was much needed after a long workout, I got home said hi to everyone, took a shower and went straight to bed.

              BEEP BEEP BEEP
  I woke up with a groan and realized that I had to get to school early because of my field trip. I rushed through my daily routine, put on a nice outfit, and drove my sister and I to school. I came just in time to see the kids getting into school buses and with a sigh of relief I got onto the bus knowing that Sosi had the same teacher as me I looked around the bus to find her and saw her looking out the window anxiously looking for someone. I snuck up to the seat and yelled "BOO!!", she screamed so loud I thought my eardrums burst. I couldn't hold my giggles any longer and I started to guffaw in laughter.
"Ugh quit scaring me you're gonna give me a heart attack someday", she said looking frustrated,
"Sorry honey, I didn't mean to give you a heart attack.
"Whatever just don't do it again ok?"
"Ok", I promised her although I was already planning my next prank on her. The bus finally filled up and began to drive to the museum. I started to talk to sosi but in the back of my mind I hoped that this field trip would be a good one.

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