4.The Switch

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The bus had finally arrived to the museum and I was brimming with excitement. Although I hated history class I loved the idea of history in general and had always had a particular interest in it. We finally stepped off the bus to see students from the second bus unloading as well. I tuned to look when I caught a glimpse of Damien and his two best friends Niko and Greg, or as I like to call them, the unholy trinity. The unholy trinity were the hottest and most well-known boy at school. They were captains of all the Div 1 teams at our school, football, basketball, and water polo, you can already guess who do football but Niko did basketball and Greg was the water polo star. Great I thought this field trip can't get any better. Oh but it could, you see during my my morning sprint to get to school I forgot to pack a lunch or even bring money, so now I'm annoyed and hungry, just fabulous.

        We walked into the large building and I was already jumping for joy at the thought of all the exploring and learning I would do today(I'm an actually a nerd). "Alright kids you're free to explore, but please make sure to take some notes about certain exhibits because those are going to come in handy later on", Mr. Moore told us before letting us go and explore on our own. I quickly grabbed Sosi's hand knowing exactly where we were going first. The Ancient Greece exhibit, Greek mythology and everything Greek was a big part of my childhood, honestly, mythology and reading in general was a big part of my childhood, and being the smartass I am, I still remember everything I learned. "Omg look there's Zeus on an amphorae!", I said excitedly.
"There's who on what?!", Sosi asked.
"Zeus? You know the god of thunder and lightning and an amphorae, a massive Ancient Greek clay pot that", I told her.
"Omg you're a nerd Marina!", she said while laughing.
"Oh shut up! At least I'm not failing history", I told her in a teasing manner. She gasped and pretended to look hurt, I laughed at her expression and soon we burst out laughing.
"Omg look they have a lekythoi that was given to olympians when they won!",
"Oh lord! Today's going to be a long day", Sosi said with a sigh of defeat. I ran over to see the clay pot when somebody yelled "BOO!" In my ear. I turned around suddenly to find Damian cracking up with laughter.
"Oh haha you think you're so funny!" I told him annoyed.
"Ya I really do think I'm funny I mean did you see your face!", he said to me still laughing. I started to walk away, annoyed by his attitude and knowing that I had already taken enough notes for this exhibit, I walked into the Ancient Rome exhibit. Roman mythology was a bit repetitive and was not my favorite in my opinion, however the history of Ancient Rome itself was to me a masterpiece. "Wait shorty why are you walking so fast!", I heard behind me and realized that Damien was still following me. I stopped to when I saw a bust of a man and went to take a closer look.
"Why'd you stop here?", Damian asked also coming to a stop.
"Well, Romans were very different from the Greeks in what they thought was art, to the Greeks art was the idea of a perfect body, one with no flaws or blemishes and many Greek sculptors and painters make the person being drawn look perfect, but romans had a different idea, art, in their opinion, was to show all the flaws in one's body not to hide it, see the way his nose is a bit curved, or how his chin is a bit uneven, and one of his eyes is a bit pointier at the end. I love to look at both cultures statues and find the differences between them", I ranted without even realizing. I turned around to see him looking at me with an emotion I didn't Really recognize. He saw that I was looking back at him, cleared his throat and laughed. "Wow you are a serious nerd."
"I am not! I just like to read about different things", I pouted. I saw him quickly glance at my lips but then look back up to my eyes and say, "sure keep telling yourself that." I rolled my eyes but continued to walk around the exhibit with Damian following me and sometimes teasing me. I had finished with the Roman exhibit and was walking out to enter the Ancient India exhibit. The first thing I saw was a sculpture of Kama, Hindu god of love, I immediately went to the sculpture and Damian followed. "Huh, she kinda looks like you."
"It's a he dumbass", I told him.
"Are you sure about that? because he has a nice pair of boobs", he question
"You are such an ignorant asshole!", I replied back, I was already annoyed by his constant teasing but him comparing me to a guy was getting on my last nerve.
"And you're just a nerd!" He said.
"I am not"
"Sure miss I-know-everything-about-anything-so-get-one-my-level", he said in a pretentious tone.
"Says Mr I'm-so-fucking-hot-you-probably-dream-about-me-every-night."
"Haha you're so fucking funny I'm laughing on the inside."
"Oh like you're any better"
"You know what be like that see if I care!"
"Oh like I care if you care"
"Ugh!", I turn around to leave when all of a sudden I start to feel dizzy. I try to focus but it becomes extremely hard to when suddenly my dizziness is gone and I can finally focus. I turn around to see if Damian saw what happened when I see him looking at me with the same expression. I shrug and turn around and look for Sosi. I find her talking to Greg and she seems to be enjoying her time. Now just because I hate Damian with all my guts, I'm not gonna let my hate for in getting in the way of my best friend's happiness. I decide to just explore by myself and to find her again at lunch.

The field trip is finally over and let me just tell you, I Am EXHAUSTED!! I sit next to Sosi and will my eyes to stay awak long enough to get to school. By the time we get to school I'm racing to get in my car and drive home. I say bye to Sosi and drive home.
When I get home I run to my room change and launch into my bed saying goodbye to the world.

I shut off my alarm and check the time 7:30 I gasped, I was late for morning practice! I clearly remember putting an alarm on for 6 before I face-planted into my bed. It doesn't matter just hurry i reminded myself. I raced to the bathroom when I began to feel suddenly taller and stronger and failed to notice that my bedroom was completely different. I raced into the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. As I was drying my face off I saw the scariest thing I had ever seen. Damian's face right in front of me!!!
"AAAAAAAgGGGgHHhHhHH!!!!", I screamed before fainting onto the floor.

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