5. The Freak Out

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      *Damien's POV*

I sat up from my bed rubbing my eyes and trying to find my phone on my dresser to check the time, when I finally saw the time I groaned in misery. 7:00?! Why did I have a timer set for 7 on a Saturday? I checked the phone again when I realized that this was not my phone. I looked around my room, when I found out that this room was NOT in fact MY ROOM. By now I was panicking, my mind going to wierd places thinking all the possible reasons why I was not in my bed in my home. Had I been kidnapped? Were my friends just playing a prank on me? Did I go to a party last night? These were all reasonable explanations but real reason was the hardest to believe, because standing in front of me in the bathroom mirror was MARINA ABEKALIA!!! A shrill scream was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

*Marina's POV*
I opened my eyes to find a man and a woman looking down at me with concern shown all over their faces. "Honey are you alright? You gave us quite a fright!", the woman, I presume it's Damian's mother, questioned.
"Uhh, ya...... mom, I'm totally fine don't worry about me just thought I saw something in the bathroom and got really scared." The was the lamest excuse I ever came up with.
"Oh honey, how many time do I have to tell you to stop watching this scary movies you love so much."
"Sorry mom, I'll try watching less."
"Alright son, thank god you're ok though", the man spoke up, I assumed it was his father.
"Ya I'm all good, thanks for checking up on me", the pair walked out of the room, leaving me time to freak out. I couldn't believe this, this was supposed to be impossible, how could me and Damian have just switched bodies out of the blue. I immediately looked for his phone and opened it, thankfully he didn't have a passcode. I dialed my number with shaking hands and hoped that he would pick up. The phone dials until I hear a voice, "what the fuck is happening!!" I heard Damian shriek. I quickly pull the phone away from my ear, trying not to go deaf.
           "Do you think I have a clue", I replied back.
            "I swear if you're some witch and you did all this because you're in love with me-"
            "Yup, you guessed it Sherlock, I purposely switched my perfectly normal body with some jackass because I'm secretly in love with him!" I interrupted him, he was already getting on my nerves.
              "Ugh it doesn't matter, we need to find a way to switch back soon", he said, "Can we meet up in a few minutes? I'm free for the day, so we can figure out a way to switch back". I was about to agree and find out where to meet up when I realized that I had a class to teach today! I checked the screen to see that it was only 8. I let out a sigh of relief, I had 45 minutes before I had to be there, well because of the situation I was currently in, Damian had to be there in 45 minutes. "You might be free but I'm actually not." I told him.
               "Seriously Marina, we really need to focus so we can switch back", Damian groaned.
                "Relax, it's just a few hours, we can meet up at 1." I said to soothe his groaning.
                  "Alright Fine, what do you want me to do?"
                "Well I'm teaching a fencing class today with my friend, there should be a paper with all the conditioning on it that you should give the kids after they run, you should actually be there in 45 minutes, I'll send you the address, class usually ends at 12," I told him everything he needed to know while hoping he was listening.
                  "Ok I'll do it, I mean how hard can it be," he finally said. I almost burst out in laughter, this boy had no idea what he dealing with, "oh, also try to get some fencing in while you're at the club, there's some pretty good teens."
                 "Alright got it, ok try my best, I'll see you later." I quickly hung up and smiled, this was the first time I ever had a Saturday off in years, I crawled back into the unfamiliar bed that somehow gave me a sense of safety, and a particular scent washed over me making me even more at peace, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

*Damian's POV*
I almost had a heart attack the moment I stepped into marinas closet, what was I gonna wear? I quickly looked through all the drawers when I finally found the sports bras, shorts, and a shirt she probably didn't care if she sweat in. As I walked out to change, I encountered a second problem, would I look at the body of the girl I would sometimes find myself thinking about? I MEAN, would I look at the body of just some random girl? I decided that this "random" girl's opinion meant to much to me so I decided to get dressed with my eyes closed, BIG MISTAKE!! I finally got dressed, grabbed the paper with the info, and walked out of the house, thankfully I didn't have to see anyone before I left, and got into Marina's car. I put in the address and arrived there in less than 30 minutes. I walked into the club, to find a girl, already there. "Omg there you are, where have you been, it's already 8:55, your lucky no one is here yet," the girl exclaimed.
            "Ugh sorry, I kinda woke up late,"
            "Of course, classic Marina, sleeping through her alarm,"
          "Yup", I told her.
            "Well we better hurry up and get ready before the kids star coming in", age reminded, when suddenly the room started to fill up with loud teenagers all energized from all the coffee that was at the moment, keeping them awake. I sighed this was going to be a long day and it hasn't even started yet.

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