Chapter 4: Another Minute

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He had found himself looking forward to these dates, finding her interesting and just so...

"Do I have something on my face?" She finally said as he had been accidentally been staring too long.

"I-oh Sorry." He said and averted his eyes I'm fluster.

But she watched him as well.

Jae and Tae talked a while with Soonyoung occasionally joining in. "What about you? What type of music are you interested in?"

She was staring into space when Tae asked her that question. "Huh?" She suddenly got what he was asking, "Oh. R&B."

He smiled. "Like who?"

"Like almost everyone." She said. "SZA. HER. Daniel C, Aaliyah..."

"I know all of them!" He said. "Except Aaliyah." He said. "Is she good?"

"She's more than good. She passed away a while back but her music lives on." She said. "I also like korean indie music. Dean. Heize. Suran." She said. "I like some rap too."

"Really?" He seemed genuinely interested unlike the other men, "I like Dean and IU too."

She nodded and genuinely smiled, even if it was faint, it was still progress.

Out of habit, she checked her broken clock and then her phone.

22 minutes.

"Oh I'm running a bit late." She mumbled. "Well I gotta go. see you later." And she gave him a smile, and left.

Soonyoung was still gaping.

"I've never seen her smile like that in so long." She said, and Tae smiled. But then frowned. "Next week may be the last time I'll see her for a while."

"Oh... you're touring soon aren't you?" Soonyoung frowned too. "You guys don't even have each other's numbers huh..."

He shook his head. "I noticed she works at the cafe next door."

"Oh..." Soonyoung sighed.

There was one major difference between Soonyoung, Jae, Tae, and her.

She lived on minimum wage, whilst the other three were celebrities, living top notch while she was struggling to make ends meet.

"Has she ever considered singing?" He asked. "Maybe try out at a company or something... she could model."

"Mm... I don't think so? Is she good? I've never heard her...?"

"I went to the cafe where she works at and I heard her sing a couple of verses. She sounded really nice-"

"Well don't try your luck with her," Soonyoung said, rather coldly, "she doesn't like fame very much. She likes her peace and quiet."

"Oh..." Tae sighed. "Well I'll work on getting her number."



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