Chapter 8: Boss

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She was frankly doing well with the bills. She had already covered a month's worth, since she threw her emergency money (life savings ahem), in too. But she needed to make enough for another month.

She had only a couple more weeks left of vacation.

Tae: where are you??

Tae: I'm getting worried

Tae: I miss you

Tae: are you alright?!!?

Tae: Soonyoung And Jun said they haven't heard from you either! Soonyoung tried to go to your house but no one was home.

Tae: please call...


"You're not looking well again." The man from before said as she wiped down windows. She immediately bowed. "Sorry Sir. I'm okay." She tried to give a bright smile.

He blinked at her in confusion. "Are you trying to smile?"


"...all I'm saying is I'm alright."

"You should be." He said. "On your file you didn't mention and health issues."

"Because I don't have any."

"Then why are you always looking ill?"


I'm running out of time...

"I have another job sir." She admitted. "Like I said before, it's an emergency situation."

He said nothing. "Come to my office. I need to you sign a paper you missed."

"I'll... I'll change first." She bowed and rushed off to the locker rooms. She sighed as she rested her head against her locker. She changed into her black sweater and dark jeans, spraying herself with perfume.

She found him with an employee who was showing him papers and informing him of something. Next to him was one of the prettiest people she'd ever seen. She was dressed in business attire. Even Soonyoung might have a bit of competition with her. They were in the hallway talking with another employee about some matter.

She bowed to the man whom she still had no idea was.

The assistant frowned when she saw her.

"I apologize... Miss Han, please show her to my office." The man said as he seemed to be addressing a serious issue.

The assistant looked her up and down and scoffed. "Dressed so casually I see."

"Well... my other clothes stunk so..." she mumbled, a bit intimidated.

She saw a mixture of people in casual wear and business wear in the building so she was confused.

The assistant began to walk without another word and she shrugged and followed the assistant.

"Um..." the elevator was going very high. "Who is that man."

The woman burst out in pompous laughter, "How amusing."

She scowled and sighed.

It was just rich people and other people live in completely different worlds. Her friends... Soonyoung, jun... and even Tae... they were all rich or well off. They wouldn't understand her struggle. Her constant hustle.

She just waited at the office until something came up with the assistant, "don't try anything funny. There are cameras in here."

She sighed as the assistant left, giving her a glare before leaving. She didn't understand why the woman didn't like her.

She saw the clock above his desk die. "Is it broken?"

Her and broken clocks... how coincidental.

She sung a song while staring at it. "Broken Clocks just seem to follow me everywhere huh." She scoffed. "Look what you did Jaewon. Broken clocks everywhere...." she mumbled under her breath.

Jaewon... I miss you so much.

"What about broken clocks?" The man asked as he walked over to his desk. He heard her sing a bit and wouldn't embarrass her by bringing it up... even if she didn't sound bad at all.

"Oh... ah sorry. There I go muttering off again." She sighed. "I'm really sorry I didn't come better suited." She said.

"Did that woman pester you?" He asked as he looked for a file. He seemed to be referring to his assistant.

"" She said.

"It's not very good to lie to your boss."

"Sorry..." she muttered and he put a file in front of her.

"You mentioned a Jaewon." He said.

"Oh... I did, yes. " She said. "Do you know one..."

"..." he said nothing.

Well... you're the one who asked.

"Sorry again-"

"Must you apologize for everything?" He meant it to be taken as a joke but she didn't take it that way. "Sor- I mean... uh..." she looked for the page and he chuckled.

She was frankly quite surprised to hear him chuckle.

He just sat there as he typed on his computer, then his eyes slipped to her broken watch. "Your watch."

She didn't even look at her watch and continued with the paperwork. "Yes... it's been broken for a while now." She said.

"Have you never thought about fixing it?"

"Some things aren't ready to be fixed yet..." She said, and he looked at her strangely. "Sor- see. I just get ahead of myself-"

"What do you mean by that?" He tried not to sound interested.

"Well... bones for example. You break it. But the it takes time for it to get fixed right? You put a cast on and everything."

"But that's for living things. That's not living." He pointed to her watch and when he finally looked at her he saw her heartbroken eyes. "Yeah. It's not. Let's just say," she closed the file, "time isn't really cutting it for me at the moment."

She handed him back the file and politely smiled.

She stood up and bowed, and headed down without another word.

He watched her leave.

Jaewon huh...


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