Chapter 1

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"Remind me again why I decide to stay at this job?" Mack complained over ear comms.

"Because no other job is as exciting as this one." Daisy said.

"I'll take a simple desk job versus getting shot at by whatever the hell type of gun they were using."

Daisy rolled her eyes at that comment. They all knew full well Mack would rather eat plywood than ever sit at a cubicle.

"If you quit, then who's gonna replace our tall, dark, and handsome spot on the team?" The tone of Yoyo's smirk could be heard even through comms.

"I'm sure Coulson can fill it just fine. He's done it long before I even got here."

"Don't think I can fit that role anymore." Coulson chimed in.

Daisy chuckled at her boss' remark, and tumbled down the small hill she was on. The S.H.I.E.L.D. agent missed the low-level, late night missions that her team did. Taking down Watchdog cells were a lot less stressful than destroying a murderous robot that created life model decoys of you. This time the agency was at a park in Busan, intercepting a practice run of a new Watchdog attack that was supposed to happen in two days.

Daisy sidestepped the various WatchDog agents that were sprawled on the dirt road unconscious to meet up with her team. Mack; who looked slightly annoyed at the large whole on the arm of his jacket, towered over everyone. Fitz was analyzing the gun that Mack had been grazed with; his pale cheeks were ruddy and he was slightly shivering from the cold weather, and May; Simmons; and Coulson were all looking at some weird, lumpy purple substance that covered the face of a now dead Watchdog.

"Do I even wanna know what that guy is covered in?" Daisy grimaced.

"Well I can tell you that there's traces of deuterium fluoride within the substance, but it seems somewhat obscure. The cold temperature might have something to do with that." Simmons pulled out a scalpel from her bag and started to cut a piece of it off. "It's common within high powered lasers, but-"

"The chemical structure of this seems way too extreme for even our tech." Fitz finished.

The gun in the Scottish man's hands looked like a high tech version of an ak-47. There was purple liquid leaking from the cracked glass on the side of the gun.

"You're saying that they're experimenting with new resources?" Coulson asked.

"More like they're test subjects for it." Jemma put the sample she took in a small plastic baggie.

"Where would the Watchdogs get this kind of stuff is what I wanna know." May surveyed several weapons that laid on the ground just like the one Fitz held.

"What about that a gang down in China?" Mack mentioned, "They were able to get their hands on some pretty powerful stuff."

Coulson shook his head, "Most of that was recovered by our Hong Kong unit. And like Fitz said, this stuff seems extreme for what they took in."

"So the Watchdogs have a new supplier then." Yoyo, who had breezed the perimeter of the park, strolled over to the rest of the group.

"Looks like it. And they've gotta be somewhere on the Pacific considering it hasn't reached the other cells we've taken down."

"That's a pretty broad area." May observed.

"Well we might have a place to start." Yoyo handed Coulson a plain white business card, "Found that in the pocket of one of their members."

"Anyone heard of Lachan Research Center ?" Coulson looked around.

Jemma thought the name sounded familiar, "It's known as a think tank company in Melbourne. Although they've never been known for producing weapons."

Departure Act II: Can't [Got7/Avenger Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now