Chapter 9

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"What's it looking like in you're area Daisy?" Coulson asked over comms.

"Most of them standing around; making sure no one trespasses." Daisy was the closest to the terrorist group which had taken residence of an entire loading dock.

The Watchdogs (locals by the look of it) wore casual clothing with only tattoos and arm bands to reference their symbol, and had foregone the masks and big guns for the night. But the SHIELD agent could see their large mass from her spot on the rooftop of a warehouse. Too many Watchdogs were here just to be a pick up.

"Anyone got eyes on the shipment?" Daisy asked.

"Not yet. But there's chatter about something coming in from the west side." Yoyo said.

"Then it's probably that." Coulson's voice dipped lower than before, "Are the agents in the city ready to go?"

"So long as we give them signal, they'll be here." May confirmed.

"Good. The sooner we get our hands on this shipment, the sooner we figure out who's putting cash in the Watchdog's pockets."

"And the sooner this'll all be done with." Daisy muttered venomously.

"Not necessarily tremors. The Watchdogs will still be around." Mack mentioned.

"But we might not need an extra set of eyes on this case." May added.

It was hard to see anything that wasn't in the dock's light, but Daisy could pick out May's 'I know you have an issue with something and I'm going to call you out on it later' face from miles away. Daisy was going to dread the conversation that was soon to come about her and Jackson, but just thinking about the idol brought back her anger from before.

"Well you never know. Things don't usually go our way most of the time."

As soon as the words left Coulson's mouth, a mind numbing whirring sound echoed through the air. Seconds later the entire dock went completely dark, and as Daisy looked back, the rest of the city as well.

"You mean like that?" Daisy said flatly.

However there was no response from anyone. Not even static. And with the power out as well, then there was only one possible reason for it.

"Alright. Job just got a lot harder."

It was shortly after that, when a different set of lights came on and the Watchdogs that were standing around now were armed assault rifles. Daisy could see Mack, who originally was blanketed by darkness, clear as day in the new light.

They were made.

Before the Watchdogs could even aim at Mack, May charged, jumped, and kicked down the first one in her path.

It was chaos after that. Gunshots zipping everywhere, Mack; May, and soon Coulson taking down one agent after another. Yoyo zoomed through a couple times to take out anyone left. Daisy leaped off the roof she squatted on and landed in the center of mess of unconscious Watchdogs.

"Whole province is blacked out." May panted, "Can't reach out to our team in the city, or anyone back at base."

"There's gonna be more coming our way. We need a new plan of attack here." Coulson glared down at the terrorist below him.

"Guys." Yoyo directed the group's attention to a boat near the port.

The catamaran blended in with the black sky but the fluorescent blue light showed the agents on the edge of the boat; aiming guns at them.

"Get down!" Coulson yelled as the team nearly missed the spray of bullets.

When Daisy looked up, the boat was quickly moving away from the docks at the same time the sound of more people coming towards them.

Departure Act II: Can't [Got7/Avenger Crossover]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora