Chapter 5

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"So, what do I need to know first?"

Jackson did find room in his schedule to juggle training (even if it was at obscene hours of the night when his bandmates were sleeping), and found himself at Karmar-Taj again; sitting in the courtyard with both Strange and Yan.

"Well there's two major types of energy sources; internal and external." Strange began. "Most of us, including myself pull from the energy around us to form magic."

"That would be considered external." Yan chimed in.

"So internal would mean you'd draw magic from inside of you?" Jackson asked.

"Exactly. Most people born with magic, or in your case handed down with it, can pull an enormous amount of energy within them to use magic. However, because of that, it can somewhat clash with the energy around you."

"And people who have magic that is internal have their magic closely aligned with their emotions." Yan added.

"So is that why I've had issue with control?"

"It's a multitude of reasons." Strange said. "The fact that you've repressed it for years is a big one. All that energy pushed down, and now suddenly that pressure isn't there anymore. The magic inside of you has to adjust to the changes of your body and your environment since the last time you've used it."

"So I need to be able to easily adapt my magic for any situation?"

"Essentially yes." Yan said.

"Firstly, we're gonna need to work on you recognizing your magic. This might be difficult because we have a completely different way of pulling magic, but the basis is the same. You'll need to know what your magic feels like within you and what it looks like right in front of you."

Jackson ogled as Strange cupped his hands together and slowly pulled them apart, while several orange strands formed and stretched with them. The Sorcerer dropped his hands, and the strands disappeared.

"That, to put simply, is what my magic looks like. It takes a lot of concentration and practice to pull even the smallest amount, but that might not be the same way with you."

"How so?"

"I want you to describe the feeling you get when you transformed into your dragon form."

"Well it's... it's kinda like I'm grabbing a rope and then pulling it closer to me until I change." Jackson explained.

"Do you feel yourself turning or is it like a flash and then you're there?" Yan said while Stephen looked at him bemusedly, "What? It's an important question?"

"It's sort of both I think. A month ago was the first time I've changed in years, but it's like my body is bending and then I'm a giant lizard floating in the sky."

"So you can identify and pull from that source at will." Strange stated. "Based on that, I want you to try and see if you can identify your magic."

Jackson hesitated for a moment before closing his eyes. Immediately he knew where to feel for his dragon form, but the rapper wadded through his subconscious and searched for something else. Jackson wasn't sure how much time passed before he found it, and he originally couldn't notice what it was at first. It was as if a tiny fragment of glass was reflecting off light, that you missed when you pass it. But once he found it, Jackson reached out to grasp it. A whole wave of glaring light rushed through him, and shoved him back to where he had almost fallen from his spot in the courtyard.

"Holy shit." Jackson blinked a few times.

"It can be a lot sometimes." Yan offered.

"Especially when it's an immense mass of power."

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