Chapter 10

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"I hope you realize just how badly you messed up." Tony glared at the Sorcerer that had appeared in his workshop.

He hadn't had clue that Jackson was almost scarred after a session with the sorcerers until he went for a visit and one of Strange's interns (because Rhodey thought wizard's servant was ridiculous and somewhat insulting) who accidentally spilled the beans about the incident.

"I'm aware that things didn't go as well as it should in regards to Jackson." Strange admitted.

Tony rolled his eyes, "You know it'd be a lot easier for you to say 'I fucked up' instead of all of that."

"Our intention; my intention wasn't to push him to the point of scaring him. If anything, I didn't want Jackson to take on everything he was supposed to now. I know how-"

"Don't." Tony growled, "Don't tell me you know how he feels about this cause you're not him. You don't have to risk as much as he does or feel like you've got so much blood on you're hands that you can never clean off."

The Avenger had tried to stay focused on the goal at hand. But Oshiro's words taunted him and brought back a wave of insecurities Tony had put every ounce of his body into forgetting. And now the person who fiercely wanted to be by his side was hurting the most.

Tony was pissed; at the UN, at Strange, and even somewhat at Jackson himself. The idol was struggling but never once said anything to Tony despite all the jokes and smiles he shared whenever he dropped by. And it irked Tony because he had come to care about the kid more so than he was aware of.

"You're not the only one that cares for his well being Stark." Strange shot back.

"Well you don't seem to-"

"Boss, Mr. Wang is here to see you." FRIDAY interrupted.

The Sorcerer and the Scientist turned towards the glass entrance to see Jackson; exhausted but still holding a thin smile.

"Hey." Tony checked the time on one of his holo screens; 3pm. "It's 2 am in Bangkok, what are you doing here?"

"I wrapped up a SHIELD field mission. Figured I'd stop by." Jackson's voice came out rough.

"You alright?" Strange asked.

"I uh, killed someone tonight so no actually."

Both Strange and Tony gave despairing looks at the younger. Tony's stomach twisted in knots at the guilt that's weighing on Jackson.

"Do you need to-"

"I need to talk to Tony if you don't mind Doctor." Jackson said softly.


"It's not that I'm upset with you. Everything that happened earlier was on me. I just...wanna talk to Tony about other stuff if that's okay." Jackson assured.

"I have no right to stop you from that. But if you still like the help, the sanctum's doors are always open to you."

"I know. And thank you."

Stephen mirrored Jackson's small smile before opening up a portal and making his exit.

"Because apparently doors aren't good enough." Tony muttered as the portal closed.

"Like you don't like making grand entrances and exits." Jackson pointed out.

"Don't start with me. I'm still peeved that you didn't come to me earlier about what happened at the sanctum. Or any other issue for that matter."

Jackson stared down at his shoes and tugged at the sleeve edges of the SHIELD jacket "I know."

Tony sighed and scrubbed his hand down his face, "Listen, I never expected you to stick around after our little prison break with Ross. Nor did I ask you to relinquish you're deepest darkest secrets. But you sat here weeks back and told me that you were gonna stay for the bullshit that is my life. Not a lot of people are willing to do that for me. So you can't expect me not to do the same for you."

Departure Act II: Can't [Got7/Avenger Crossover]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora