Chapter 4: Hundreds of Hogwarts Letters part 2

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Victoria's POV

I put my other hand on his shoulder, "We have been dating for two years. It is fine, we have never had sex, so calm down." He closed his eyes and breathed deep, after a few seconds he opened his eyes and looked at me, "I'm calm now, so what are we suppose to do before dinner?" I sat beside Harry, "I have no idea, Harry... What about we go to the park?" Harry jumped up and down, he is not aloud to go to the park without me or Dudley. "Yay, lets go." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out my door and down the stairs. We walked into the kitchen, "Uncle, we are heading to the park." He nodded, and we walked out of the door. We walked to the park, me and Harry looked at each other and nodded, we bolted toward the tallest swing. I reached it first, I sat down and stuck my tongue out at Harry. You both are so childish, did you know? Harry rolled his eyes and sat in the swing near mine, I looked at him and laughed at his sad expression. He looked at me and glared, "What's so funny?" I laughed again, "Your sad expression, that's what." He looked away, we started laughing and swinging. After about an hour Dudley came walking our way, "Hey siblings! It's time to go home." We started walking home, Harry in the middle of me and Dudley. We walked into the house, Harry and I walked up to our room while Dudley went to tell his parents. We walked into our room, I walked over to my closet, and grabbed a pair of pajamas. I walked out of the closet and into the bathroom, I showered again and changed.

-Time Skip till next day-

Harry and I woke up at the same time, we sat up, slid our legs over the edge, looked at each other, and hit the alarm. We stood up, I ran over to my closet, grabbed a pair of clothes(above), and ran to the bathroom. I turned to shut the door when I saw Harry roll his eyes, "Why do you always run to the bathroom, we're twins. It's not like I care to see you naked." I rolled my eyes, "You may be my brother but I have never showered with anyone. I would not like to start now." I closed the door, I showered and changed. I opened the door, "Hey bro, do you think you could help me move the body mirror in the bathroom to the bedroom?" He sighed and stood up from his bed, He walked over to the bathroom helped me pick up the mirror, we moved it to the bed room. I laughed at Harry, because he had a strained face, and he scowled at me, "Why are you laughing?" I laughed again, "Your strained face. That's why." He glared at me, "Why didn't you just use your magic to move the mirror?" I laughed again as we set the mirror at the end of my bed. "If I used magic on the mirror; it would of lost all its power. Then it would be useless to me." He nodded and I stood in front of the mirror, I looked at Harry over my shoulder. "Harry we might want to go downstairs. I think Uncle fat, Aunt bitch, and cousin fatty would like some food." He nodded, "Yeah and I need to make breakfast before they wake up. But first I am going to take a shower." I nodded as he walked into the bathroom, I snuck out of my room to make breakfast before Harry got out of the shower. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, and I grabbed stuff to make pancakes. I almost finished the pancakes when Harry came down, he entered, "What the bloody hell are you doing!?" I laughed, "I started the food so I could help, and I was waiting for you so when our family comes down they don't see me doing it." He nodded and I let him finish the food. I made a black chair with skulls and swords on it, and as well as a food tray. I sat down, when an owl flew past the window. I smiled, *He's trying so hard to get us to come to Hogwarts* I looked at the kitchen door when I heard a screwdriver going. The kitchen door opened, and Uncle Vernon walked through, "Potter..." He stopped speaking when he saw a fresh cup of coffee in front of his chair. "Never mind, but who put that there?" He looked at Harry then me, I raised my hand, "I did, Harry was in our room." He nodded and sat down, "Potter's you are not aloud to get the mail." I nodded and stood up, "I will be right back."

-Time Skip till uncle was about to leave for work-

Harry and I were looking out of the window, watching our aunt say good bye to our uncle. They were saying goodbye when my aunt saw owls on the car roof. Uncle tried to shoo them away, I chuckled, *You are an idiot, owls only listen to their owners* Aunt tapped uncle's shoulder, he looked down, and saw letters, *Idiot if you didn't put a piece of wood in front of the mail slot the letter's wouldn't have been out side. But if you would of just let us have our letter's Dumbledore wouldn't keep sending our letter's* I looked at Harry who was staring at the owls, I laughed, Harry looked at me confused, "Why are you laughing?" I laughed again, "You seem so amazed by the owls." He shook his head and looked back out the window. Uncle grumbled something under his breathe, picked up the letter's, walked back through the door, to the phone, called his boss, and took the day off. I sighed, *I already have to deal with him during the weekend, now I have to spend the entire day with him.

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