Chapter 8: First day of Classes

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Victoria's POV

I woke up when I heard my alarm go off, and I hit the off button. I turned and looked at Jackson's face, he was still sound asleep. I giggled, got up, grabbed a pair of clothes(above), and went to go take a shower. I hopped in, took one, hopped out, changed, ran out of the bathroom, and jumped on the bed and yelled, "Wake up sleepy head, we have class in an hour!" He opened his eyes, "Stop yelling, and jumping." I stopped and sat on my legs, "Well get up, and get dressed. We have classes in an hour." He sat up and pulled me onto his lap, and he put his hands on my waist. "You know I love you right, Love." I nodded, and he continued, "I would do anything to protect you. But could not wake me up by jumping on the bed, ay Love." I nodded my head, "Sure, babe, but you have to promise to wake up with the alarm." He sighed, "I will try to wake up with the alarm, but you will try and not be a prick in the morning, ay Love." I smirked, "I'm a Slytherin, we are natural pricks." I leaned forward and kissed him, it started getting heated when I backed up, Jackson whined, "Calm down we can finish later. I love you but now you need to get dressed." He whined again, "Do I have to." I laughed, "Yes you do, I do love you but I don't wanna be late for class." He sighed, stood up and went to get a shower and get dressed. I got up, went to my vanity, and did my make up, black lips, black eyeshadow, and green eyeliner. I heard, the shower stopped and heard Jackson getting out, but heard him fall. I got up and ran over to the door, and nocked, "Babe, are you okay?" I heard him groan, "Yeah I'm okay, I just slipped, we need to put a mat on the floor." He opened the door hair dripping wet, no shirt just shorts. "Babe, you can't wear shorts, only on weekends. Change into pants or I will change them for you." He chuckled, "Then I guess you will have to change them for me." I rolled my eyes, "Fine." I unzipped his shorts and took them off; he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me towards him, "I think we should skip the first class." I laughed and walked to his wardrobe, "You need pants and we need to get to class." He huffed and stood behind me, I sighed and turned around, "Babe we talked about this, I don't need you inside me, it's just your hormones talking." I tossed him his pants, "Now get your shirt and pants on. We need to get to class." I walked back to my vanity, I opened my jewelry drawer and grabbed the demon pendant, and put it on. I looked myself in the mirror, "Or tomorrow you will wake up with make up all over your face." He had wide eyes, "If I do it will all be burned. Now I will get dressed and tonight I will pleaser you." He walked over to me and kneeled in front of me; and slid his hand up my leg towards my womanhood. I pushed his hand away, "Jackson not now we have to get to class." I stood up and walked to the door, I turned around, "But, maybe tonight, we could have some fun." I did my seductive wink and walked out the door, down the stairs. I walked into the living room, and sat down, I took off the pendant, "Servant for the rest of my days, male, Sebastian Michaelis." The demon appeared, and bowed to me, "M'lady, I will serve you for the rest of your days." I chuckled, "You can stand up, and what is with the tailcoat?" I heard Jackson walk downstairs, and Sebastian stood up. When Jackson came downstairs he immediately saw Sebastian. "Love, who is this? And why is he here?" I stood up, "Babe, this is Sebastian, he's our new butler, well my new butler. But we have to get to breakfast now stop being a snail and lets go." I walked to the door and held out my hand, "Come on babe, you can't stay here all by yourself. With no one to "play" with." He walked over to me and took my hand. We walked out the door, while Sebastian just stood there by the couch, I sighed, "Sebastian, lets go." He appeared beside me, "Now lets get to breakfast. I am starving, although I need another snack, other than food." Sebastian looked at me with a smirk, "What do you mean?" I looked at him and laughed, and shined my eyes to the red when I get hungry. He sighed, "So your a succubus? Explains the curves." I rolled my eyes, "Why did you look, that privilege belongs to my boyfriend. Now lets get to breakfast." We walked outside my dorm, and out into the hall way outside the painting. I turned to the painting, "Hi Maleficent." She looked at me, "Hi Victoria, have a bloody day." I laughed, "With a succubus there is no blood. But my hunger does increase." She laughed, "I'm waiting for the first body to drop at this school." I laughed again, "If anyone gets in my way I will bring them here and kill them right in front of you." She smiled her wicked smile, "Good." I smirked and walked away with Jackson and Sebastian. We walked into the main hall, and everyone looked at us. I smirked and we walked to our table and sat down across from Draco and his goons. "So who is the tall dude behind you, V." I looked up at Sebastian behind me, I looked back at Draco, "This is Sebastian, he's my demon butler. He came with the pendant I bought in Knockturn Alley." Draco raised an eyebrow, "Knockturn Alley isn't there where the dark wizards are?" I smirked, "Yes some, others reside in the shadows of the light." I leaned forward and so did he, "Just like your father." I leaned back, and he had a shocked face, "My fathers evil?" I nodded and he leaned back, I looked up at Sebastian, "Bring me a commoner. I'm getting peckish." He nodded and looked down at me, "Yes M'lady." He disappeared, I looked back at Draco. "Who's Sebastian going for?" I laughed, "Food." He raised an eyebrow, "Food?" I rolled my eyes, "I'm tired of talking about this. Change the subject or quite talking." He nodded, I finished my food and became hungrier. We started to walk to potions when Sebastian appeared at my side, "I have brought your meal. Follow me." I let go of Jacksons hand and followed Sebastian. We got to where we were going and there was a commoner standing there scared. "Sebastian, make sure no one comes down this hallway, and I mean no one." He bowed and walked away. I walked over to the commoner, pushed her up against a wall, kissed her, and sucked most of the chi out of her. I pulled away. The red in my eyes started to disappear, and the commoner I just chi sucked slid to the floor with a smile on her face. Sebastian appeared next to me, "M'lady, class is about to start." I nodded, "Get rid of her, if you want you can have sex with her." He nodded, and I teleported to class. I got there, there was only one spot left and that was by Draco. I sighed. I looked over to where Jackson was sitting and Greengrass was trying to flirt with him, but he just looked annoyed. I walked over to them with an angered face. I tapped Greengrass on the shoulder, she turned to me with a raised eyebrow, "Yes?" I growled, "You're in my seat!" She smirked, "There are no assigned seats." I did my evil chuckle, "Mortal, you don't want to mess with me." She raised an eyebrow, but before she could speak I made her choke herself, "Told you, mortal." I made her stand up and continue to choke herself. I sat down and Professor Snape walked in and saw what I was doing, "Miss. Potter would you please..." Everyone but me gasped, "Stop making Mrs. Greengrass choke herself?" I stopped, she started coughing and went to sit down beside Draco. I chuckled and looked at Jackson, "What did she say?" He smirked, "Oh, well, she was giving reasons why I should break up with you and start dating her." I did an evil chuckle, "I promised Maleficent that the first student I kill I would do it in front of her." He was smiling and chuckled, "So Greengrass is gonna die first?" I chuckled and nodded. I turned back to Snape with a smirk on my face.

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