Chapter 5: Diagon Alley

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Victoria's POV

We were walking through London heading toward The Leaky Cauldron. I saw a black sign and smiled, Harry started reading the supply list, "One wand, one stander pewter size cauldron, and 'students my also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad.'" He looked up at Hagrid, "Hagrid can we find all this stuff in London?" I laughed, "Yeah, you just need to know where to look, but I find it funny that you have to pick from three types of animals while I can pick any animal." I laughed at Harry's confused face, "I'll tell you later." He nodded while we walked into The Leaky Cauldron, I looked around and saw professor Quarrel in the corner with his head down. Tom the bartender looked up from cleaning a glass, "Hagrid, Victoria, the usual?" I shook my head, Hagrid looked around then back at Tom, "Sorry Tom, we are on Hogwarts business. I am helping Victoria and Harry Potter get their school supplies." The entire room went silent, Dolores came up to Harry, "So good to finally meet you Mr. Potter, Miss. Potter has spoken often about you." She shook his hand, and he looked at me, "I come here a lot with Hagrid and Dumbledore." He nodded, a lot of people shook his hand while we were trying to get to the back door. We reached professor Quarrel, "M-M-Mr. P-Potter, and M-Miss. P-Potter, w-wh-what a p-pleaser it is t-to f-finally m-meet y-you." Hagrid smiled and said happily, "Well 'ello professor, I didn't see you there." He looked towards Harry, "Harry this is one of your professors at Hogwarts, Professor Quarrel." Harry held out his hand but the professor pulled his hand closer to him, "Fearfully frightening subject Dark arts are though, not that you need it ay-ay P-Potter." *Okay his stutter is fake* Hagrid looked at us, "Well we better be off, lots to buy." We said bye to the professor, we walked through the back door. "See your famous Harry." Harry looked back out the door, "Why Hagrid? And how do all those people know my name." Hagrid sighed, "First question I don't think I can answer. Second when Dumbledore, V, me come here we chat with our people." Hagrid tapped the wall, the wall opened, "Harry, V, welcome to Diagon Alley." I smiled we started walking down the street, "There is where you get rosemary, oh there...oh there is Flourish and Bolts for doing your wizardry." Me and Harry were looking around, we heard a kid say, "Wow it's the Nimbus 2000, fastest model yet." Harry mouth was in aw, I whispered in his ear, "Close your mouth or you'll catch bugs." He immediately closed his mouth. We continued walking, and Harry asked, "But how are we to pay for all of this, we haven't any money?" Hagrid pointed to Gringotts, "Well there's your money, Harry, Gringotts wizard bank. Safest place, well besides Hogwarts." We walked inside when Hagrid stopped at the entrance, "Merlin's beard, how could I have forgotten." He pulled a ring box out of his pocket, "This is from Dumbledore, V." He handed it to me, I opened it, and it was a ruby ring shaped like a dragon(above). It had a letter taped to the top of it, SORRY I COULDN'T GIVE THIS TO YOU IN PERSON, BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY V! I smiled, "Thanks Hagrid. I will thank Albus when we get to Hogwarts." He smiled, and we walked over to the front podium, "Hagrid, what are they?" I laughed and looked at Harry, "They are goblins Harry, not the nicest of creatures, but are really good with money." He nodded when we walked up to the front podium. "Miss. and Mr. Potter would like to make a withdrawal." The head goblin leaned down over the podium, "And do the Potter's have there key?" Hagrid started searching his pockets. "Got it here somewhere." He pulled the key from the pocket, "Ah here it is. Oh there is something else..." He pulled out a letter, "This is from Dumbledore, about you know what in vault you know which." He handed the head goblin the letter, "Very well." *Really Hagrid the stone?* He called over a goblin named Griphook, "Griphook take the Potter's to there vault and then to vault 713." He nodded, "Follow me." We followed him to the cart, we got in and he started it. We were going through caves, we passed by two vaults with really tall pillars. *I just know we are going to back here one day.* We got to our vault 687, the goblin stepped out and asked, "Lamp please." Hagrid handed him the lamp, we got out and walked to the vault door. "Hold please, key please." Hagrid took the lamp, and handed him the key. The goblin put the key in, "Stand back." we stepped back and he opened the vault and there was a pile of gold. I smiled when I saw a black bag floating above the gold. "Bag is mine." I grabbed the bag and poured gold into it. Harry stuffed a hand full of gold in his pocket. We stepped back and closed the vault, "Who is going to hold the key?" I raised my hand, he handed me the key, I put the key in the bag from the vault. I tied the bag around my waist, and we started walking to vault 713. The goblin opened the vault and Hagrid grabbed the small item from the vault. *Okay that is definitely the stone* "Hagrid what is that?" Hagrid held up the stone, "That I can't tell you Harry." Hagrid put the stone in his pocket and we hopped back into the cart and went back up to the surface. We walked into Flourish and Blots, we grabbed our books, paid, then left. We walked down the street to Madame Maxine's Robes For All Occasions. We walked into the shop and I saw Madame Maxine fitting a blonde boy. "Madame Maxine." I said with a sing song voice. She looked up, "Victoria is that you?" I laughed, "Yeah, it's been a while. I would like to introduce you to my brother, Harry Potter." I pointed to Harry, she squealed, "It's so good to finally meet you. Victoria has spoken so much about you." The blonde coughed to get her attention, she turned to him, "Sorry Mr. Malfoy." She finished fitting his robe and he walked over to me, "We finally meet Potter. I haven't been able to get you off my mind." I rolled my eyes, "Well, we can't be together." He raised an eyebrow at me, "And why is that?" He stepped closer to me so that our faces were almost touching. "I have a boyfriend, and he is the love of my life." He growled and then an older version of him walked up, "Be nice Draco, and what have I told you, you must stand two feet away from a girl." He stepped back and I looked towards the older man, "You must be Lucius Malfoy." He nodded and held out his hand, I shook his hand, "Victoria Potter." I let go of his hand, "Nice to meet you Miss. Potter. Now if you will excuse us Draco and I have somewhere to be." I nodded and he left. "So Victoria shall we get you fitted? Then we can fit your brother." I nodded, "Yeah."

The Favorite Twin(Draco Malfoy x Reader) *On Hold*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora