Chapter 5

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 "AJ? Where'd he go?" Kevin was whirling around searching for AJ's lanky form.

"A.J.!! Man A.J.! This Howie crap ain't funny!"Nick was calling.

"Man, Kev, he's gone... And he was right. We can't handle this,"Brian said. He looked beyond scared now, he was biting his nails,"We need to leave, get the police, or somebody that can help!"

"Brian, I thought we already went through this.."

"Kevin, open your eyes! Howie disappeared, Nick nearly got killed, and we all nearly got killed trying to save him, and now AJ's gone missing! Who's next Kev? We need to get out of here!"


"No! We can't handle this! Look, Nick is freezing his butt off, he probably has hypothermia or something!"Brian was holding onto Nick's shaking shoulders,"He's already sniffling!"

"Ok, fine..."

Brian wilted with relief, Kevin had finally come to his senses.

"You and Nick go on, I'm gonna stay,"Kevin said, nodding them on.

"What??"Brian was furious,"We can't leave you here! Are you crazy?!!"

"But you can leave Howie and AJ?"Kevin asked looking at Brian pointedly.

"No. But... It's not the... oh never mind!"Brian gave up, he sounded exasperated," Nick, you doing ok?"

Nick nodded,"Yeah, I think I'm ok... W-we should stay Bri."

Brian grimaced, he looked from Nick, whose lips were blue, to Kevin who had a grim determined look on his face, then sighed"Oh fine, we'll stay. But if he gets pneumonia, Kevin, you're going to be the one who explains it to his mom."

They walked up and down the hallways aimlessly. They peeked into rooms occasionally and got unwanted surprises. Finally they found a bedroom. Inside Kevin went to the bed and yanked off the bedspread. He and Brian wrapped it around Nick, who wasn't saying much anymore. Kevin and Brian didn't think it was just from cold, he was terrified. A fine tremor ran through out his body.

"I think he's going into shock or something. Let's get him out of these clothes, they're frozen,"Brian said,"I think I've got some shirts, but.."

"I've got a pair of sweat shorts,"Kevin said tossing his poor mistreated backpack beside Brian's and leaning over to go through it.

"Ok, lets hurry up and get him dry,"Brian said.

"Come on Nicky wake up,"Brian was saying rubbing Nick's hands trying to generate some heat into his frozen compadre. They were no longer worried about the monster of the house getting them, they were worried about Nick. He seemed to be drifting in and out of consciousness.

Kevin looked scared,"Um Bri, you guys were right. He needs help, now. We should be trying to find a way out of here, and send someone back for Howie and AJ. We need to leave before anyone else disappears... or..."he looked fearfully at Nick,"Come on Nicky, you gotta wake up so we can go."

Nick stirred softly.

"That's it, come on,"Brian said rubbing faster, curses to this drafty haunted house!

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