Chapter 8

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Brian blinked, well at least he didn't say I'm going to eat you cooked medium rare. Brian stayed where he was to be on the safe side.

Kevin laughed frivolously,"Oh don't be scared bloke, come here."

Brian took small cautious steps toward Kevin. Brian grimaced when he got closer to Kevin and saw the deeply imprinted scales and green skin on one side of his face. The other side of his face, was the one of his cousin's. Brian shook his head, If you had only let us try to leave when we had wanted to.

"Stir that mixture over there lad,"Kevin gestured to a glass beaker.

Brian shrugged and picked up the stirring rod.

"Gently now old chap, don't want it to get unstable. I'm still working on that potion you know," Kevin chatted with Brian as if Brian had just been there yesterday sitting in the parlor having tea and discussing things.

"Potion?"Brian looked at Kevin and looked back regretting ever glancing over. He couldn't stand to look at his cousin's ruined face.

"Oh yes, the one that is supposed to cleanse the evil and impure side of human nature out of ones system," Kevin said.

"Um... No Kev... You know that stuff doesn't work right?"Brian said.

"Kevin? Oh lad, you know that it is not proper manners for a boy of your age to be calling me by my first name, Dr. Richardson."

"Boy? I'm 21! And you're 24! Kev, snap out of it! You're my cousin!"

"Is that mixture almost done old chap?"asked Kevin ignoring Brian.

"You better not let him drink it Brian," said a voice.

"Yeah I know Nick, but how am I... Nick? Crazy mummy Nick? Man, I done already told you, that you ain't eating me today!"Brian whirled only to see nothing beside him where the voice had come from... But I thought....

"Pass that beaker here my boy,"Kevin held out a green scaly hand to Brian.

"Don't do it."

"Nick, where are you?"Brian demanded.

"Talking to yourself dear boy? Tisk, tisk, I'll have to tell your mother. I can suggest a very good doctor for you my boy. Now be a good lad and pass that beaker here."

"Toss it, man."

"What?"Brian was looking around.

"My beaker child,"Kevin shook his hand impatiently.

"What.. Oh... Uh... I think its unstable. I stirred too fast look.." Brian shook up the ingredients.

"Oh my, luckily I have spares."Kevin chuckled to himself," I am a scientist my dear boy! Now you just observe. I don't have any volunteers so I will experiment on myself." Kevin reached under his laboratory table into the cabinet. He casually swatted a rat aside and took out a red vile. He poured the contents in his chemistry set, let it gurgle with the other ingredients and poof. A pink puff of smoke, and liquid began to pour from a glass pipe into a wine glass,"Bottoms up old chap."

"Nice going hot shot! You've got 30 seconds to get out of there... Back door's open."

Brian watched his cousin drink the mess in horror, then he did as he was instructed, he ran for the exit. He could hear his cousins horrible moans and groans and glass breaking. Then he heard animalistic snarling and something getting up and beginning to run with pounding footsteps. Brian quickly made it to the back door and slammed it. He bolted it closed.

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