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It was a rainy Wednesday the first time I set eyes on him. 

He was standing at the grand piano the university owned. The one where I would go to in my free time to compose songs and relax. He was pressing keys that were soothing and lulled me into a sense of security. He had silky silver hair and beautiful creamy skin. I feel like I'm a bit of a creep with all of the descriptions, but I can't help it; he was absolutely stunning.

I had been left standing there in a daze until he noticed me, and flushed at being caught. At that moment I knew I would have trouble focusing on anything but him. I later knew him to be Park Jimin.

Well I guess we should get the show on the road, huh? On to the story then.

      Groaning and shoving my head further into the comfort of my pillow, I blindly searched around for my phone to answer the damn thing. I looked at the clock at the top of the screen and hissed because who the hell  calls at 5:37 am?! 

Namjoon that's who. 

"What the fuck do you want? Do you know what time it is?!" Namjoon laughed on the other side of the line and my face scrunched up in disgust. "Bro you have to get up for early morning classes" I sighed and tossed the blanket off before sitting up and ruffling my hair. "Yeah, I know. I was hoping it stormed to the point they canceled classes." 

Wishful thinking I suppose. " Alright Namjoon, I'm up, so I'll see you in class." "You got it, bye hyung"    "Bye" 

Huffing as I got up and shuffled to the bathroom, taking a shower and brushing my teeth, before leaving my apartment and going to pick up some coffee. As I was walking, my mind trailed off to the kid in the music room. He was really pretty, maybe I'll see him around sometime. 


Snapping out of my trance I looked down to see the person I was just thinking of. Huh, what dumb luck. 

I could feel the blood rush to my face and I began trying to help him up from off the ground, all while stuttering out apologies left and right. Crap, only the second brief meeting and I'm already a bumbling mess. What is this kid doing to me?

~Jimin's POV~

The guy that knocked me to the ground turned red amazingly fast and I'm not going to lie, was being ridiculously adorable the way he was stuttering trying to help me up. "Don't worry about it." I smiled and took his hand to get up. 

I've seen him around campus before, Taehyung says he has the reputation of rejecting girls and being a really big grumpy old man. He was really cute if I was being honest with myself, no way this god on Earth could be gay and have the slightest chance of being into me. Oh well. 

I came back to reality when he started to awkwardly rub his nick with a slightly pink face. Cute. I giggled and started to pick up the books that I was previously carrying on my way to class. "Again, I'm very sorry for bumping into you. I wasn't paying attention." the cutie said in a soft-spoken voice. 

I suddenly came up with a plan to see this handsome stranger again, and if he said no, well then I wouldn't have to see him again. "No problem, maybe you can make it up to me by taking me out?" the corners of my lips twitched trying to hold back another giggle at the expression on his face. He looked absolutely confused and it was so adorable. "Uh... y-yeah I can do t-that." the way he stumbled over the words had me all types of fanboying at the moment. I giggled once more at his cute behavior and we exchanged goodbyes (and numbers) with the hope of seeing each other once again.


Thank you very much for reading and I'm sorry I'm not very good at the whole writing thing. Oh well, if there are any requests I can do that. I'm also thinking about doing some Stray Kids oneshots because I recently starting stanning them really hard haha. 

Everyone please love and support BTS and TxT!!!!

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