Awkward Potato

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(Y/N's POV)

I hate school.

Lets face it, everybody on the face of the planet hates school to some degree. The only highlight of my day is getting to see Hueningkai. I had developed a slight crush on him lately.

Okay maybe not just a small one, lets be honest it was as gigantic as my love for BTS. Hueningkai was different from my crushes in the past, because I didn't get tongue-tied or too overwhelmed with emotions to even look him in the eye. I could talk to him like a regular human being.

Although I wouldn't say I'm regular because I'm probably way below average on the attractiveness scale. I look like a potato honestly. But who cares because I love myself and that's all that matters. Thanks BTS for the lessons on that. If BTS says love yourself, you love yourself. If BTS says jump around and act like a coconut hit you upside the head, you jump around like a flipping lunatic. If BTS says jump off a moderately sized lemonade stand onto a bouncy castle, you jump off that flipping stand!

Anyway, I got off track... what was I saying? Oh yeah, I can act normal. Except my normal is weird. Oh well.

I walked into the school with a carton of banana milk and feeling like I could murder my alarm clock for waking me up at such an ungodly hour. Ugh that fracking alarm clock. It doesn't help that I have to get up at around 4:45 in the freaking morning to get my sister up and ready for school and drop her off before I head to school. 

The moral of the story is that I need my potato sleep.

Looking around I notice that the halls are pretty much abandoned save for the people that like to get here to take a nap before class starts. Honestly same sis same. Anyway, enough with my wtf-ery.

I entered the classroom and headed straight to the board to write today's lesson for first period. I was the unlucky student that was chosen as a representative for my class. Flappin sucks but what can I do?

After doing that I decided to see what my kpop groups were up to cause my multi-fandom ass fell into the fandoms and couldn't get back out. Fine with me, I get to see a bunch of hot guys everyday and drool over them without having to get judged because lets be honest, everyone drools over them.

It was around 6 so it was around the time everyone would start to arrive even though school didn't start until 7:15. I put my earphones in and turned it up enough to drown out the students talking around me. After choosing the perfect song to start the day off, I put my head on my arms and made myself comfortable to take a small nap.

(Hueningkai's POV)

I walked into the classroom with my four other friends and quickly scanned the room looking for (Y/N). Bingo. By the window taking a nap. Perfect, now I could  steal glances at her without having to worry about her catching me.

I had been staring for a solid thirty seconds before Taehyun nudged my shoulder a bit to grab my attention. "Dude if you like her just tell her already." I felt the warmth start to gather in my ears and make my neck a bit red out of embarrassment. "She doesn't like me like that.."

They all exchanged looks with one another and then turned back to me with a look that said "Are you stupid". Offended with the look they were giving me I let out a noise somewhere between "what?" and "offendedness".

"Kai.. everyone knows she's liked you since fifth grade." I paused and stared at them until my mind wrapped around what they had said. She had liked me?

(Y/N's POV)

I had been woken up by my friend Angelina, who coincidentally like Hueningkai's friend Beomgyu. I didn't blame her he was gorgeous. Anyway, she had woken me up because class was about to start and I needed to wake up and get my materials ready.

"Thanks a lot Angelina, I don't know what I would do without you." she flipped her hair dramatically "You would be a mess that's what." I laughed and hit her slightly "What are you talking about I'm already a mess!"

Her smile widened as she replied in a way that suggested what I said was true. We were interrupted by the teacher starting the lesson. After first period, I went to clean the board and write the next lesson.

Angelina decided to come with me so we could chat  a bit before class would start again. "Hey, did you know Hueningkai has been staring at you?" she whispered quickly glancing behind me at someone. Warmth flooded my body and I laughed awkwardly trying not to look off.

"What?! Why????" I replied frantically while erasing a mistake I had made. She giggled slightly and put a hand on her hip. "Maybe he likes you" she grinned with a tint of teasing in her voice.

I scoffed "As if. I'm a potato, and he's a cute little pizza roll." Angelina gave me a weird face "What? I'm weird, you should've gotten used to this already" she laughed as I finished writing the lesson and went to sit down at our seats.

As we were walking I glanced to where Hueningkai was and it was true, he was staring at me. My breath hitched slightly and to calm myself down I pinched the inside of my arm until it started to bleed. "Dude, you're bleeding! Stop oh my god (Y/N) I swear you'll be the death of me one day." I snorted " Nah, Beomgyu asking you out will be the death of you."

Her face flushed a deep red and smirked at her obvious embarrassment. "Oh look who's coming over now!" her jaw dropped and I laughed at the expression she was making. "Hi Beomgyu! Hi Hueningkai, what can I do for you fine gentleman?" I asked in a teasing voice.

Based on the looks on their faces, it looks like they weren't prepared for my very unexpectedly flirty greeting. I admit, I could be bold if I wanted to be.  Angelina slowly looked up and smiled crookedly at them. Beomgyu leaned a hand on her desk and smiled charmingly and asked how she was doing.

By the time class started again she had been the color of an original flavor chips bag, the red one not the yellow one. Once the two had left, break came quickly. Angelina and I had gone to the courtyard and break consisted of me laughing at the way she acted around Beomgyu.

"I swear if you don't stop laughing, I'll tell Hueningkai you like him!" she practically screeched. I had stopped laughing and looked around, and noticed that Hueningkai and his friends were staring at us. I chuckled awkwardly and waved a little "Nothing to see!" I turned away from them and seethed at her "I swear the next time we get ramen, I'm not buying yours."

"Deserved that.."


Part 2??

I love you my lovelies!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2019 ⏰

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