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Everybody told me.


I didn't want to listen because how could I when you reassured me so firmly? You said you loved me. You said that you would never love someone as much as you love me. Loved.

They say there are five stages in a breakup. I didn't believe them, because I had never experienced grief in the sense they were talking about.

Five stages.


"Sorry mate... I'm here if you eve-"

I didn't hear anything after that. It was like everything around me had halted and my whole world has crashed down around me. For a moment, I believed that time had actually stopped. I didn't feel anything. Nothing. Until I was shaken out of my daze by Chan's voice.

No, there had to be a mistake.. He couldn't have, he loves me. Right? He- he loves me... " No, there must be a misunderstanding ri-ght?" My voice broke at the end of the sentence. Chan has a look of sympathy.

Chan opened his arms and went to hug me. I recoiled away, there was nothing to comfort me about. It was all a misunderstanding.


Minho was late coming home again. He said there was a problem with the paperwork and he had to stay late. I sat on the bed with my knees to my chest as I stared at the sleek black phone. My vision blurred and I wipe the violent tears that were streaming down my face. I was doing laundry earlier and had come across one of his dress shirts that had a smudge of lipstick on the collar.

I was angry. So very angry. The way I dealt with anger was different from other people. I bottle up my emotions and stuff them into a box where they would eventually overfill and break the bottle. The surge of emotions had overwhelmed me after the phone call I had received.

I could tell he was with someone else. They were giggling and calling him to come back and wreck them some more. Yes. I had heard. And I was angry.

I had skipped the bargaining part of the stages of grief. I had gone straight to depression. Minho was away at work and I had been holing myself in our room. I had been questioning everything I had ever known. Every possible thing I could've done wrong.

Something to have made him stop loving me.

I had been staring at the wall for so long I didn't notice Minho's presence until I felt the bed dip from the sudden weight. I didn't move, I just stared at the wall. About half an hour had passed before I spoke up.

" How long." I waited for a response but never received one. I knew he was awake. He always had trouble sleeping unless he was cuddled to sleep. I didn't push for an answer, instead I sat up and looked straight at him.

" What made you stop loving me" I could hear the sadness, even to my own ears it sounded broken. He hesitated to speak and I knew. I knew he couldn't answer. He didn't have to because before he could say anything I had gotten up and started getting dressed.

He watched me in silence as I calmly grabbed a suitcase. Once the suitcase was filled with an acceptable amount of clothes I turned to him. He gazed back with a questioning look, as if he didn't already know what was happening.

" You've been cheating on me." Is all I said as he stumbled over words to try and explain himself. I didn't need him, and he obviously didn't need me. So as I was walking out of the house, down the street, and to Chan's house, the thought occurred to me that he may have never loved me. And it was then I knew...

It was bound to have ended.

Hey my lovelies! Sorry I had a surge of inspiration from a song. I'm sorry it's not better.. bye have a good day!


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