14 - p. 274

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I can almost imagine a happiness without her, the ability to let go, to feel our roots are connected even if I never see that leaf of grass again.

→ It's hour 15 on their road trip to Agloe and Quentin is still driving. He finds comfort in the familiar landscape that reminds him of home, while hearing the laughter of his friends. And while he is surrounded by the happiness of his friends and his own contentness with the consistency of driving, he imagines that he may be alright if they get to Agloe and don't find Margo.

→ This is such a beautiful metaphor saying that while Quentin is not okay at the moment because he knows that he's probably never seeing Margo again, he will be okay someday and he can see himself being okay at some point. He can finally see a life without her in which he'll be happy and he just has to trust that they share a connection deeper than distance can separate them.

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