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"I wonder if their tension will get thicker." Everyone started laughing Sweets fell out of his chair and our table was the only table erupting in laughter.


"Why are these shorts so short." Veronica and I were in the locker room at 4:02 changing into our uniforms. Before the Cheryl Blossom walked in. "You could just leave I never invited you." Putting her fake smile on. "Now why would I do that. I want you to enjoy the show." She looked at me and said that "outfit doesn't seem to be fitting." "And yours does." I shot back.

Practice was starting "Ok fives a ten is speaking." Cheryl yelled. "Cindy Carlson your up." And practice began.

"All of them are terrible." I heard Cheryl think.
"Alright Toni Topaz." My turn.

The music started and I felt the music take control. "Veronica was right she is really hot."


The music stopped and the whole room went silent. I squeezed my legs together really hard, that really turned me on, but I won't admit that out loud.


"Ew gross did someone just moan." I looked around and saw everyone staring at Veronica her uniform was soaked what the hell.

Someone whistled on the bleachers then there was clapping. "Woohooo. Toni that was great."


"Well did I get in?" I asked bluntly. Then I heard Cheryl say "Alright I would be stupid to not let you in the Vixens everyone out. Veronica change you Shorts. Toni come here." "What did I do?" I ask. Veronica ran up to me and kissed me on the lips. "Finally!" I heard Jug, Betty, Sweets, and Fangs yell in unison on the bleachers. I smiled into the kiss and pulled back to tell her "you should really change your pants though." She giggled.
"I wish I could find love like that." I turned to look at Cheryl she looked sad. "Hey. I know you may not like me but...if you need someone to talk to you I'm here...and I'm really sorry for all of the mean things I said to you." I saw her smile she genuinely smiled at me. " Actually Nevermind." Just like that she put her fake exterior back on.
"She doesn't care about me. She's just acting nice because she wants to break me"
Did I just see the real Cheryl Blossom. "I would never break you I actually do care for you I don't know why but I do...I feel like I could trust you for some you want to go to pops later" she looked at me shocked then she pulled me to the corner so nobody could see us "did...did you just read my mind." She said while standing super close I couldn't help but look at her lips. "Toni, can you read my mind and do not lie to me." "Yes I can." I sighed. It was quite for a second. "For how long." She asked in her mind again "When we first met." Why did I tell her this. I'm so stupid. Why the hell do trust her so much. "What!?!?" "Why do you trust me." She asked. I looked at her in shock. My mouth making an o shape. "Can you read my thoughts." "Yes. Is that bad or—" "or what" "Toni your eyes are glowing." I looked at her confused and she showed me my reflection through her camera. My eyes were glowing pink. "Blossom what did you do to me." "Nothing" she said putting her hands up in defense. "Can we go to Pops now."I ask. "Yes, but what about the glowing pink eyes." "I have an idea. I could pretend like I'm crying on your shoulder and you can act like you care then take me to jughead immediately, tell him my eyes are glowing then meet me at my house on the Southside ask where I live and they'll show you ok." "Alright."

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