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"Welcome Jeffery, this must be your daughter Antoinette Topaz and the lady next to you." I saw her eyes narrow. "Blossom."


I looked at Toni's grandma in question. "Yeah?"

"Your family murdered my family." She said accusingly. "GET OUT!" She yelled. "I..I...l didn't do anything I hate my family and they hate me." I stutter. "Is that so. The Blossom are known for tricking people." She warned. "Grandma trust me I doubt that Cheryl will hurt us." Toni interrupted.
"Toni your grandmas scary I think I should leave." I said while slowly backing away. "No your not leaving me please stay." She said. I looked at her eyes and I just nodded. "Now I know my weakness" I smirk and wink. Her eyes started glowing pink and her cheeks grew red. "Ha! I made you blush." I said out loud causing Toni's Dad and Grandma to turn from their conversation. I covered my mouth and started to blush. Toni said between laughs "I-just—made you—blush!" I just rolled my eyes. "Why are you two having a blushing competition."
"You!" Toni's Grandma yelled how did you make her eyes glow. "The color of her eyes change when she has a certain emotion, tell me have your eyes turned into any shade of blue or red." She seemed scared. "Is that a bad thing?" Toni asked looking at me. "It's not a bad thing it just means...your in love." Her grandmother looked scared. "So it's true you do love me" I smirk but she just looked back again. "Don't forget your eyes turned blue too"  she smirks causing me to blush. "It's true I am in love with you"    I smile. "I'm madly in love with you" all of a sudden her eyes started glowing a different shade blue it was a sky blue. "It is. It's too late your in love with a Blossom don't come crawling back to me when she brakes your heart." Her grandma retorted. I felt a tingling sensation. Her grandma looked at me in disbelief. "Wow can't be a Blossom your something more." She looked at me astonished. "Your eyes are glowing red." Her Grandma's eyes changed to a yellow. "What does the yellow color stand for because that's the color of your eyes." I warn. "Wonder." Was all she said.

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