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"I love you, and I don't care what other people say about you, I will always be here for you. I know that you are nothing like your family."I tell her. "I love you too, but now it's time for you to tell me your darkest family secrets." She smirks.


"My backstory is really sad." I warn Cheryl. "Mine is too." She says. We were at Pops.
"Fine." I roll my eyes.
"I was born in the house we were at yesterday. It's not a trailer because my parents had millions of dollars. I was 8 when I found out my mom was having another baby, but when she had my little sister my dad found out it wasn't his. That night was when my mind reading powers triggered. I heard him say "I'm sorry my little Antoinette I can't stay here when I know your sisters not my child, but I promise i will come back someday to see you." It was weird that he seemed like he knew I could read his mind. That day I promised myself that I would keep waiting and keep looking for him. My little sister Alexa was a cutie she looked like me, but she had darker hair and green eyes. I stopped looking for him on my 9th birthday because he didn't show up. That day I wasn't able to here people's thoughts. My mom didn't seem happy on my 10th birthday she didn't even celebrate it. The day my mom was driving me to my grandpa's house I could hear her thoughts "Why need to get rid of the kid I can't do it without him." A tear ran down my eyes and I yelled at her "WHY ARE YOU LEAVING US MOM!" She turned around and looked me. "I'm not leaving your sister with you and your grandpa I'm just leaving you." She said bluntly. A tear ran down my face. "But Alexa won't remember me she's only 2!" I yell. "She's gonna be back in 2 years she will be there soon." I just started crying. "Why are you leaving me mom." I told her. "You know why. Because of your sexuality I don't want you around me or your sister until you get yourself fixed. The only reason I stayed was your dad we got in an argument about you being gross and I cheated on him cause I was angry." She tells me. "I will change. Honest." "I'll make sure of that in 2 years." We stopped in front of a trailer. When they came back I just wanted to hug my sister I spent 2 years with her, and I ran away to come back to the house I'm living in now at the age of 14. My sister came to visit me, she stopped when I turned she turned 9. So this is the year she stopped. I'm 17 living alone in my house without parents."

I looked at Cheryl she was crying and looked at me as if I told her my dog died. "Toni I'm so sorry." She said. "It's ok." I heard the door to Pops jingle, and I looked up because the man walked over to Cheryl and I, then I realized I recognized this man. "Dad?" I ask. "Hey my little Ant." He said.

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