Chapter 22: Major Glittery Surprize

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I woke up today realizing its Monday, meaning I only have 5 days, including today and Friday left before I learn who Fitz's is marrying. I notice that Dex is still sleeping in the temporary cot near my closet. Its been weird seeing him every waking hour, when I haven't seen him at all for the past couple months. Well at least his presence has explained why he hasn't been answering my letters. Apparently the castle guards have been training him the last two weeks or so. I really couldn't imagine him even wielding a sword, let alone fighting somebody, but yet he is still here.

He comes with me everywhere, even when I go visit Biana. She doesn't seem to mind though, I personally think she might like him, as I've noticed her blushing a lot when he's around. During meal times he has been sitting across from her while she is beside me. Fitz has been sitting across from me, beside Brooke , and started getting me ready for breakfast. Putting me in a simple red dress, giving me neutral makeup and curling my hair. Dex soon woke up and we headed to breakfast. It was quite quiet, not much conversation until Fitz started bugging Biana about who she likes, he didn't exactly say who, but I already saw how much she seems to like Dex. Actually now that I think about it she might be the reason why he was chosen out of all my close friends and family to be my guard. It would seem more likely that Keefe or Dad would be my guard. Maybe not Dad actually, they might not trust him because he's a mesmer. I think Keefe might be a good guard if he actually wanted to be one.

After breakfast Fitz asked me to go on a walk with him, I gladly accepted and soon we were off. My ankle, due to the help of Elwin I am able to walk on it properly, without crutches. I can't run yet, or really any other type of activity but not using the crutches makes me fairly happy. Our walk around the garden was quite awkward due to Dex forcing us to take him along. At least we could still transmit without him knowing what exactly we were saying. Help, somebody transmitted. I asked Fitz if he heard it too, but he shook his head, I started heading toward the voice. The person became more frantic, I entered the clearing where the voice was coming from. I then saw it wasn't a person who was calling for help, but an Alicorn.

First of all I would love to thank everyone who has stayed with me so far! And put up with my updating schedule. I am amazed this story came to have 1.8k of readers! Thank you guys so much! The story will probably end in about 5 chapters or so. I don't think I will create a sequel, so there will be an epilogue. Love-twinkle7102

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