CH1: All's Fair in Love and War

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I read the manga way before the anime was announced. As soon as I heard they were making an anime I was like:

"People are gonna fucking love Hasuki. I should make a story about her."

And here we are now. Enjoy!

(Sponsored by the Rejected Childhood Friends Support Foundation)


The houses Black Dog and White Cat. Two rivaling dormitories from two separate nations. They are led by Juliet Perucia and Inudzuka Romeo. They are in a constant war to decide which dorm is superior.

Inudzuka: What's up western snobs?

Perucia: Don't defile me with your eyes, Touwa barbarians!

The two houses stood across each other in front of the school, ready for an epic showdown. Everyone was there, and everyone was ready to fight to prove their superiority.

Inudzuka: Todays the day we decide!

Perucia: Which one of us is stronger!

One student in a Black Dog uniform stood in between the two houses ready for battle. He walked with a rather tired look on his face. He didn't even bat an eye to the two groups.

Inudzuka: Hey Y/N?

He turned his head slightly to the leader of the Black Dogs.

Y/N: Yeah?

Inudzuka: I didn't do-forgot! Yeah! I forgot my chemistry homework! Can I copy yours after I kick these guy's asses?

Y/N: Sure. 

Inudzuka: You're a life saver.

Y/N: I know.

The student just walked inside the school building. Now that he was out of the way, the two parties got back into the mood it was before.

Inudzuka: Now that I can focus on kicking your ass Perucia!


???: Y/N! Y/N! 

Y/N: Hm?

I open my eyes and lift my head for my desk. Seems like I fell asleep during class. 

???: Geez. You really are a heavy sleeper! 

The girl in front of me was Hasuki Komai. She's beautiful in every way possible. So this sight I'm seeing in front of me I shall save in the gallery in my brain.

Y/N: I didn't sleep much last night.

Hasuki: You really need to stop staying up so late.

Y/N: Sleep is for the weak. I had more important stuff to do anyway.

Hasuki: Like what? Watching Anime and reading manga?

I slightly smile with a proud look on my face.

Y/N: Exactly!

To be honest, only she can make me feel so energized after an all-nighter. I rather enjoy this warm feeling I have in my chest.

Though I know these feelings are totally one-sided. Everyone in the dorm knows Hasuki has a thing for Inudzuka. I can only watch as she tries to flirt with some other guy. Inudzuka is a good friend though, so I wish both of them the best.

Hasuki: Y/N! Inudzuka left when I tried flirting with him again.

Y/N: Did you do the whole talk in the third person to sound cute thing.

Hasuki: Exactly as you said!

Hm. That would definitely work on me. Well, it already did. But whatever.

Y/N: He's probably pissy about losing to Perucia again.


The building shook as if something hit it.

Y/N: Definitely pissy. See you later though. I have an ultra rare limited addition ramen cup with my name on it.

I then leave the classroom. If I stayed any longer, I would remember how much of a crush I have on her and fall into depravity.

But Inudzuka is totally gonna tap that. Who else would he go for? Perusia?! Ha!


Holy shit he likes Perusia!

I was currently behind the fountain where Inudzuka and Persia where 'fighting'. How did I get here? I was preparing myself for another all-nighter. I like to have a stroll outside before an all-nighter. Its kinda like a ritual.

Y/N: Achoo!


Inudzuka: Somebody there?

Y/N: Bark bark?

Inudzuka: Oh. It was just a dog-

Perusia: I can't believe I'm going to date this idiot. Y/N come out, please.

I step out from behind the fountain. Both Izudzuka and Perucia were wet. 

Y/N: Heh. I thought you were the one that was supposed to make her wet Inudzuka, not the other way around.

Inudzuka: Phhhhhh!!!!

Inudzuka must've had some water in his mouth, as water just spilled out of his nose. Perucia blushed at my comment.

Perusia: D-Dont change the subject, please. You heard everything right?

Damn. Looks like my expert dating sim technique won't work on her. Seems like I'll have to train even harder after this.

Y/N: I'll be honest, yeah I did.

Inudzuka: Can you keep this a secret dude?

Y/N: Yep.

Perucia: Just like that! We don't need to bribe you or anything?

Inudzuka: Y/N dosent really care about the whole White Cats and Black Dogs hating each other thing. He's a cool guy. As long as we stay on his good side he'll keep quiet.

Y/N: But I do have one condition Inudzuka.

Inudzuka: Shoot.

Y/N: When Hasuki confesses, you will let her down easy.

As her friend, I can at least give help her this much. Though I guess since Inudzuka's taken, maybe I can tell Hasuki how I feel. Though I should wait a bit till after she calms down.

Inudzuka: Sure dude.

I then head back to the dorm. Leaving the two lovebirds to continue whatever they were doing. But I could hear someone screaming behind me.

Inudzuka: Wait! SHE LIKES ME!!

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