CH9: Lovesick

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Y/N: 110 Fahrenheit. That's a pretty high fever.

Hasuki: Y-Yeah, I can tell...

It's been about a month since the sports festival. Y/N and Hasuki's relationship has been rather...stagnant. Yeah, Hasuki had been pretty embarrassed over the kiss she shared with Y/N, and had been avoiding any physical contact with him. 

Hasuki: You really don't stay with me...

Y/N grabbed a towel, switching it with the one already on Hasuki's forehead.

Y/N: I wouldn't miss this chance to see you like this. According to Kougi, you're super cute when you're sick like this.

Hasuki: ...

Y/N noticed that Hasuki was finally able to sleep, something that she seemed to not be getting. He sighed, pulling out a manga and leaning on Hasuki's bed. 

About an hour and a half passed with nothing serious happening. Y/N occasionally changed Hasuki's towel, constantly checking if her fever was going down. 

Y/N: Hell no.

Y/N had zero experience in dealing with sick people. Thus, he was going off of the internet for what to do. He had done the cool cloth thing and even made sure to feed Hasuki when she was awake. According to the internet, he had to wipe Hasuki with a cool towel and change her clothes. Now, Y/N wasn't some spinless mc. He knew he could totally wipe and change Hasuki's clothes without being weird about it. But he also knew that if his beloved woke up during that process, he would be royally fucked.  Things were already somewhat tense between them, and getting caught would totally hammer the nail into the coffin. 

Was it worth it? Hell yes. If Y/N were to die, then he would die for a noble cause. 

Y/N looked around Hasuki's room, debating if he should look for clothes she could wear. He decided against it. He quickly ran to his room, grabbing a t-shirt and shorts. He quickly ran back to Hasuki's room. 

You see, while Y/N would accept any punishment given to him for doing this, he wanted to at least limit the damage. Thus, he would take precaution when proceeding. He would try to look as gentlemanly as possible.


I walk back into Hasuki's room to see her sitting up, her hair a mess and her face flushed.

Yep. Kougi was definitely right. 

Y/N: Hey. You feeling better?

Hasuki turns her head towards my direction, eyes barely open.

Hasuki: Not really. My head is...killing me.

Y/N: The medicine should kick in soon. You can go back to sleep after we do this one thing.

Hasuki: Hm?

Y/N: Sorry in advance, but according to wikihow I need to wipe you with a cool towel. 

Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me.

Hasuki: Kay. 

To whatever divine being watching over me. If you exist, thank you.

Hasuki points to a basket in the corner of her room with a towel in it. I grab it and using the bucket of cool water I already had, I drench it. I quickly wring it out. While I did this, Hasuki took off her hoodie that she had on. Luckily, she had enough sense to turn around, only exposing her back. She used her blanket to cover her front.

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