Untitled Part 2

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It was the next day. Rowley and Gregory had spread a rumor around the school that I was stalking them, so everyone was ignoring me even more than usual. Oh, Rodrick. How I longed to be in your arms in this moment. For you to stroke my curly red hair, and whisper into my freckly ear that everything would be okay. But alas, my only company was Rebecca the raccoon. My life sucks.

That evening, I logged onto my social media's. I try to keep my three followers updated on my daily life. In addition to Snapchat, instagram, and musical.ly, I also belong to Tik Tok, Facebook, tumblr, Twitter, and this blog site, called random thoughts.com where i shared all my thoughts and feelings. Oh, and also I use this site called anonymous where I put my diary entries.

I had followed Rodrick on all of his social media's, but never received any follows back. It was a difficult time for me. All of a sudden, inspiration struck. If Rodrick wouldn't follow me in real life, then I'd hack onto his phone and MAKE him follow me. Not only that, but I would also create a bunch of FAKE accounts with Rodrick to make the chances of him noticing me even higher. 

The first thing I decided to do was the fake account. Now, I know that I look literally nothing like Rodrick, but that's what makes us so beautiful together as a couple. our children will be heavenly attractive. In order to impersonate him, without stealing photos from the internet cuz that's illegal, I decided to borrow my mom's eyeliner-that is, I was going to until I remembered I own a whole makeup set! Silly me-I guess I just forgot that I haven't dressed up as a furry in while. Oopsies!

I thought about it for a while, and then I realized, to look the part, I'd have to get frosted tips. Obviously, as a beautiful ginger, I had nothing on Rodrick's dark mane. Once that was done, I straightened my hair as well as I possibly could. Then, i posed for the picture. Beautiful.

I used the username, EmotionalMisUnderstoodMan,and created a Musial.ly for it. But i didn't stop there. I also created some musical.lys with it. After all, I'm nothing if not dedicated.

Now, the next part was hacking into Rodrick's social media's. This was gonna be harder. I texted Gregory asking if he knew what his brother's Instagram password is, but he didn't respond, which was pretty weird, considering it was a nifty text it said,

"Hey, Gregory! When you get the chance, would you mind sending me your brother's 'gram password, please. If you will, I will give u something in return. I would show you my secret freckle, however that is reserved for a special someone very close to you. I mean what?! Anyway, I will show you how to grow a secret freckle of your own. Your body seems very fertile.  Thanks so much!"

Greg's POV

I heard my phone go off, which was rare for me honestly, because I only had one friend, Rowley. I checked it, and it was from creep Fregley. Now, as much as I'd like to have more friends, this is one dude that I do NOT want to hang out with. I'd considered blocking him, until I realized that he's literally a freaking slave and will do anything for attention. 

I read his text. Ew. Why did he want Rodrick's passwords. I mean, I do know what they are though. (In case you were wondering, it's 10inch696969) (and the reason I know that is cuz he once told his friend his passcode for his secret diary blog and he only uses one password). 

And what was that bit about him wanting someone close to me? I mean, as far as I know, everyone in my life is straight. I mean, Rowley acts a little gay sometimes (I mean, come one, this dude follows Joshie and has a pink bike with streamers), but he's definitely not interested in Fregley. If anyone, he'd like Colin or that kid Chirag Gupta. 

This whole situation was frankly concerning. I decided to just not answer. Fregley freaks the f*ck out. He eats stuff from the trash, he brings creatures in jars to class, and he has a taxidermied raccoon. It's just, it's just strange, and the raccoon is the only person he talks to. 

He was really weird around Rodrick. I mean, he's weird around everyone. But he was weird in a weird way. Like weird, but just for Rodrick. Of course, I couldn't tell my mom about that. Not only would she flip, but she'd feel bad because Rodrick had to go and knock Fregley out. As far as we know, his parents don't know about that incident. Wait. Could it be. Does-does Fregley like Rodrick. 

Wait, I'm freaking out. I can't bring this up to Rodrick, though, because he'd beat my ass. What is there left to do? Guess I'll just have to wait and see how this plays out? I don't know. I doubt anything's gonna happen.  

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