Untitled Part 4

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"Get out, loser," said Rodrick. 

I was motionless. "I thought we were gonna go beat up Greg together."

"Huh, yeah no I was just trying to get you off the street lmao," he said. I was shocked that my prince would speak this way. "You use abbreviations in real life? You're so brave!" I exclaimed merrily. I pushed up my glasses because they were starting to slide off my nose. Boy, was it hot in here.

I skipped out of the van, even though I didn't really want to leave. "See you later, sweetheart-I mean, Rodrick," I said, winking. 

"See ya," he said gruffly as he turned the car into reverse and drove off. 

Halloween Night

It was Halloween Night, and I was all dressed up in my Telutubbie costume. It was a nice, velvety purple that brought out my flaming red hair. Damn, I looked hot. I wish I had ears like that in real life, though: nice and long and pointy. (Author's Note: Comment if you relate!!)

But my costume served another purpose. As my mother had so Kindly reminded me, it is important to wear bright colors when outside at night, so that you're extra visible. Fluorescent yellows and reds are the way to go, especially during these dark winter nights when the sun sets early and the drivers are reckless.

I also have to wear both a flashing dog collar and flashing headlamp. Oh, and a helmet because a potential concussion is always a looming threat. I'd already decided I was gonna go to a house party because that's where Rodrick was gonna be that night. Now, word on the street was that Rodrick. I wasn't all too thrilled about this. Me and Rebecca the ferret got in a heated debate about it in fact. but I had a plan. I was gonna sabotage their little date. And I was ready to go. 

I knew that they were going to the drive-in movie theatre thing on the outskirts of town, so I decided that that was where I would tell my mom to drop me off. They were watching Saw, a truly frightening cinematic experience. I like to use this movie for white noise when I do my taxidermy. The screams put me in a calming, creative, state of mind. really gets the creative juices flowing, if you know what I mean. I hear an alarmingly loud sound from next door, my heart skips a beat. RODRICK!. I abandon my mink and brush back my thick curtains. I see hoards of hooligans breaking into my kings home. My heartbeat quickens, I hope he is okay. I better go over to scout out the situation. 

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