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There's help for anyone, and if you ever need to talk, I'm right here.

Soulmates. The idea of being made for one single person caused Tony Stark to scoff, even though he knew they were real, because he had one. Something he hated to admit, because that means they would know the thing only he should know. He knew his soulmate would try to help, but he didn't need it. He knew what he was doing, he was helping everyone else around by hurting. Helping everyone except his soulmate. He still didn't know who his soulmate was, though the other knew Tony's name because it had been etched on his skin by the man himself. Tony was selfish, every time he hurt himself, he hurt his soulmate. He often wondered if he killed himself it would kill his soulmate, he didn't think so.
He'd almost tested it a few times.

However, on the other end of the spectrum, Stephen Strange was worried.
When he first started getting thin lined on his wrists, people thought he was self harming and nobody believed it was his soulmate. He didn't know how to help his soulmate, who was called Tony apparently.

It was 10 years later when they both first met.
Battling Thanos was when they both realised, because when Tony held Stephens arm to take him out of dimensions, his sleeve lifted up slightly and Tony saw the scars. At first, he related and wanted to help, until he realised those were his scars. The glance they shared each other went unnoticed by everyone else and then the subject changed. And that was it. Stephen disappeared, and Tony had watched his soulmate and then his kid turn to dust in his hands. And it was too much.

The walls closed in, so many expectations crowded him, and even once they were saved and they were all together, Tony wasn't happy, and was scared he never would be happy again, and what's the point of living without happiness?

Stephen woke up alone in bed, and it was too quiet. He quickly went downstairs and was frozen in place. Gun, blood, Tony, Peter, Note, Tears. Stephen snapped out of his trance and ran forward, turning Peter around so he didn't look at his unloving body anymore, and held the shaking, sobbing boy in his arms, feeling tears slip out his eyes.

The funeral was bleak. Both Peter and Stephen spoke at his funeral in front of everyone, and nobody had a dry eye.

"Hi, Tony, it's me, Peter. I know you're here, I can sense it. I've spent most of my life trying to make the others around me, and I can't help but feel though I failed you, because I couldn't make you happy, and for that, I will be forever sorry." The boy who deserved so much better then this wiped his eyes before continuing. "However, I know you wouldn't want me to feel guilty about your death. So I'll try and do what might've made you happy if you'd held on a little longer, but I'm not mad at you. I'm sorry, Mr Stark. I'm so sorry."

Then, it was Stephens turn.
"Tony, my love. I should've done more for you, because that's what you deserve. You deserve so much more than this. You deserve to of woken up that morning and stayed in bed and woken up the day after that. You should've woken up forever, because you deserved it. You shouldn't of got what was given to you, and you were worth so much more than this, but we'll see each other before you know it. I'll see you on the other side."

Stephen and Peter both opened the notes made for them when they got home. Peter went to Aunt May's apartment, and read the note in his bedroom.

'To Peter Parker, the kid genius.
First of all, I want to say I'm sorry for letting you down. I'm going to miss your graduation, I'm going to miss you getting your first car, going to miss you having a family because I wasn't strong enough.

I think of you as my own kid, even though I probably shouldn't because I'd probably be a very bad dad, but I wanted to be a good one for you, Pete.

You've always said I'm your hero, but really, you were mine.
You're smart, you're strong and you're kind. If nothing else, those 3 things will get you through life, kid.

Don't mourn me, and don't blame yourself. This is down to me and me only. Look after yourself, drink lots of water, eat healthy amounts of food, only patrol until 12am and keep strong and smart. You're a good kid, and you'll be a good man, I just wish I could of seen it happen.

Love, Tony Stark.'

Tears and small drops of blood stained the letter, mixed tears of a torn apart father and son and the blood of the missing one, who would never be seen again.

Stephen looked at his next, in the sanctum. He couldn't go back to the tower yet, it was still so painful.

Dear Stephen.
If you're reading this, then this is the only fight I'll ever lose. I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough for you, you deserved so much better than a useless and depressed fuck than me, Stephen. Find a man or woman who is almost as amazing as you. Almost, because no one is as amazing as you.

I'm sorry I gave up on you and that you might be hurting, but go make your favourite dinner, drink water and remember the good times we had together. Goodbye my love.

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