idk anymore

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Today i woke up feeling like shit. Yesterday with a fucking headache then i remember what happened yesterday with Alex

~FlashBack to yesterday?!?!?!~ so after english i skipped because fuck math. then i went to the park, and went under a blossom tree and started sketching until.... my ex abusive boyfriend said "you fucking bitch" i look on top of me to see my ex Alexander.fuck. then i quickly got up and stared at him scared out of my fucking life then he grabbed my sketching book and started to rip off one page at a time. Then i screamed "stop ALEX THOSE ARE MY DRAWINGS!" then he laughed like nothing. Then i heard someone running towards me then tapping Alex's shoulder saying "excuse me but is that yours?" "who the fuck are you?" "i'm Gerard now excuse me i'll be takin-" then out of nowhere Alex punched him. all Gerard did was just touch his jaw and laugh then he regained his balance then he looked at Alex then me and punched Alex with a good shot then Alex dropped the book and he was lying on the floor. Gerard was looking at me and said "he's out for now get your book and run" i did so and we ran hearing Alex screamming "JORDAN I WANT YOU BACK THATS ALL!!!" my ass. 

Once we got out of eye sight (OH DONT STOP WHEN IF I FALL AND DONT LOOK BACK OH BABY DONT STOP BURY AND FADE TO BLACK!!!) we stopped and gerard introduced himself "thanks for saving me from my ex" "yeah no prob i could tell you were scared because....." "because what?" i was starting to get confused "well when you were with him dating you'd come to school with bruises and i wanted to save you" "well thanks" "yeah no prob, well theres this party and i wanted you to come" "yeah sure" then i got a text from Oliver (oliver is Jordans new boyfriend who was there during the abuse thats the reason they broke up) 


now at school i have to go fuck. when i walk to school i see oliver and gerard and oliver runs up to me and says "DID he hurt you ??!?!? Jordan tell me if he did ok" "yeah im ok but gerard seems like he needs friends and someone." i looked at gerard and he has a bruise then i walk up to him and ask "you ok?" "yeah im fine" "k" then the fucking thot of the school "ruby" walked up to me and said "Ugh Jordan Alex wanted me to invite you to the party just dont come you hoe" oh i'm a hoe the one who isnt a virgin and acted with every guy she's been like she was a virgin making them feel good.  then i took the offer im going . i need to make new friends- on the count of that "GERARD DONT YOU HAVE A BROTHER?!??!?" "yeah" "OMFG YOU DIDNT TELL ME WELL I ALREADY KNEW BUT STILL WHERE IS HE???" i was so fucking excited. then i hear "right here" he was behind me all the time his voice...... its so fucking deep and hot...... then i turn around and hugged him thanking him for being a new friend. 


Shes the prettiest girl at the party. oh yeah? then prove itWhere stories live. Discover now