just leave me alone i cant handle anyone right now

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after i slapped her i walked out and i just was crying i needed a friend right now or just a bottle or a razor a bottle to get my mind out of this state a razor because oliver cheated on me is it because

I'm to fat?

Im to ugly?

i'm too weird?

i'm a loser?

he just doesnt want you, you worthless whore

yep that right and i started laughing until i was caught out of my thoughts to be stooped in the side walk to see a short boy and he said "that was an awesome fucking right hook" and i laughed "and?" "nothing its just that why'd you punch that guy?" "oh that guy yeeah that guy well i was kinda dating him and he cheated so i punched him and that bitch i slapped........well im guessing you saw so yeah" "damn that sucks huh of by the way (so hard trying not make a gee and mikey refernce) I'm Frank...... Frank Iero" "wow you introduce yourself now" i started laughing and he was just staring at me "oh yeah Im JOrdan Shade" "aww cool last name!" he was just so small and it was so cute. 

and while talking we walked down the sidewalk until we reached the park and i herd Oliver "JORDAN WHERE ARE YOU?!" "aren't you gonna answer that?" "no its oliver" "hm" we sat at the swing and started talking he has good taster in music actually he likes Radio Head, The Smashing Pumpkins, and other bands which is so fucking cool. 

Then Frank got up and said "welp jordan i hope i see you tomarrow" "wait your leaving?!??!?!?!" 

"i mean yeah its like late and i'm bored" "oh but i dont want to go home" "neither do i" 

"so then lets not come home!" "what do you mean?" "lets just not go home"


"oh ok lets just get drunk and shit" wtf was i saying i mean i didn't want to go home but i did want to get drunk so its okay "oh ok" then we started walking out of the park and we meetoliver fucking great

Then Oliver Looked at me an said "Jordan i can expla-" i was about to say something when Frank Said something "NO oliver me and Jordan have been at it for a while and she was waiting for you to notice" then frank came up to me a nd kissed me and i surprisingly kissed back he was a fucking great kisser even though i was a little taller than him

Then i looked at Oliver and he was steaming with madness then he just pulled frank away from me and frank was red and then oliver gut punched him and i stood there and then i fell to the ground and said "frankie! are you OKAY?!" "psssh why do you care about him you fucking slut" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SLUT DUDE I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW YOU WHERE ATTHAT PARTY AND IF I WASN'T THERE YOU WOULD'VE JUST PLAYED IT OFF AND PROBABLY HAVING SEX WITH RUBY!!!" 

"jordan look the only reason" then he punched me "i cheated on you" he punched me again "because you couldn't give me what i" then he punched me in the face "i want" then he walked away i felt frank get up then he looked at me and said "jordan im so sorry  he's gonna pa-" "no frank its ok what he said was tru i cant give him what he wants im just a worthless whore" 

thats right you are one finally he wont want you and this trouble

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