Chapter 27

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Ch. 27

I waited anxiously in the front room for Jake to arrive, reciting in my head what I would say to him over and over again. Now that I knew what I had to do, I didn't want to wait.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Mags asked before she left for home. My parents were still working and I think she wanted to give me some privacy.

"I'll be fine," I reassured her.

She gave a smile before shutting the door behind her.

I took a deep breath and sighed, flopping down into the chair to watch for Jake's truck. When I saw it approaching the house, I felt the butterflies in my stomach increase.

After he parked, Jake slid out from the driver's seat, still wearing his cowboy hat. He took it off and tossed it into the front seat before shutting the door. My heart fluttered as I imagined falling into his arms and inhaling his intoxicating scent. It seemed so weird that I had not actually spoken with him since that night at his aunt and uncle's house. The night we had been together for the first time. This had been the longest we had been apart since we'd met at the very beginning of summer.

How long ago that seemed now.

I'd waited for him to knock at the door, not wanting to appear too anxious. But when I saw the look on his face as I let him in, I melted.

"Addison!" he exclaimed, engulfing me in a gentle hug. His scent was just as wonderful as I imagined it would be. "I've been so worried about you. Are you alright?" he asked, pulling away from me. His eyes scanned across my arm in the sling.

I swallowed hard, wondering for the hundredth time if I was doing the right thing.

Yes, I definitely was.

"I'm fine," I replied, giving him a small smile.

"Are you in much pain? Here---why don't we sit down?" he suggested, guiding me into the living room and toward the couch. His eyes were etched with concern and I felt so guilty for having put him through what I did.

"I'm so sorry, Jake," I began after we sat. "I know I should have called you sooner."

"No, don't worry about it. I understand," he said quickly. "You needed your rest and all I would have done was kept you up. I'm just so glad you're okay." I sighed as he gently brought me into his chest. "I'm so sorry that this happened to you, Addison," he whispered into my hair. "I've been beating myself up over it. I should have been there with you. It never would have happened..." his voice trailed off.

I sat up straighter. "This is not your fault, Jake. Please, don't blame yourself."

But the look on his face said it all. He did blame himself. And there was nothing I could say or do to change that.

"Jake, please!" I pleaded with him desperately. I couldn't live with myself knowing that he felt guilty for what had happened. No one was to blame. No one except for Brett--and he wasn't going to be a problem any more.

"I suppose this needed to play out," I reasoned. "If it hadn't, Brett would have bullied me until one of us moved away for college. This is not your fault."

He sat up and brought his hand to my face, just the way I had always loved. Sighing, I leaned my cheek into his palm, relishing the sensation. I knew that it might be the last time I would ever feel it. Without warning, he leaned in close, taking my breath away with a slow, deep kiss.

No, I could not let him distract me from what I needed to do!

"Jake, we need to talk," I said, pulling away from him.

He looked confused as he waited for me to speak. But suddenly, I found it difficult to say anything.

"What is it, Addison?" he asked after a moment.

I closed my eyes. I couldn't bear to look at him. "I don't think we should see each other any more."

When I finally stole a peek at him he was staring at me, a look of hurt covering his face.

"It's not that I don't love you, because I do. But you're leaving soon, and I just can't--" But I couldn't continue. How could I tell him that I needed to protect myself? It seemed so selfish, and I knew that it was. "I'm so sorry," I mumbled feebly.

When he spoke again, his voice was no louder than a whisper. "So, it's over? Just like that?"

It's for the best, I told myself. Please understand.


When Jake's eyes met mine, my heart dropped. Our relationship hadn't ended the way I had always assumed it would, with Jake breaking my heart. Instead, I had broken his.

Guilt washed over me as he stood up from the couch. Jake wasn't one to argue. There was nothing left to say.

When I walked him to the front door, he turned to me. "Thank you for giving me a wonderful summer, Addison. I'll never forget you." Jake leaned down and gave me a soft kiss, his lips lingering on mine for a long moment before he pulled away.

And then he was gone.

My eyes filled with tears as I watched that old, blue truck pull away for the last time. I stared after him, wondering how I would ever survive losing the man I loved.

* * * * *

"Hey, Addy--are you alright?" Ruby asked, bringing me back to present day.

I wiped a stray tear with the back of my hand. "I'm fine."

I glanced around the wedding dress boutique, hoping no one had seen me make a fool of myself.

Ruby hung up the trumpet silhouette she'd been admiring and turned to face me. "It's not every day that a girl gets married. Believe me, I know how overwhelming it can be," she said, gazing at her excessive wedding ring. "You're happy though, aren't you?" she asked, looking back at me. Her serious tone took me by surprise. I imagined this was the "professional face" she wore when dealing with her many clients.

I gave my best friend a smile and nodded my head, not trusting myself to speak just yet.

When Ruby had started organizing parties in college, everyone had assumed she'd found a fun hobby. But once she started planning larger events around town, we realized she had discovered her calling.

She had managed to turn her passion for entertaining into a thriving party planning business that she ran with her husband Tom in the heart of Atlanta. They had remained in the big city after graduating from Georgia State University, nearly eight years ago.

"You of all people should know how happy I am," I reminded her.

Ruby gazed at me through long, black lashes. "So, why are you crying?"

"I'm just thinking about life." I shrugged my shoulders. "You know, it's funny... No matter how carefully we plan our paths, there always seems to be a fork in the road--"

"Throwing everything off coarse," she offered, softly finishing my sentence. Ruby smiled and enveloped me in a tight hug.

She knew exactly what I meant.

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