Chapter 9

47 3 0

August 10, 2009

Once again, I wake up in Harry's bed and look over at the alarm clock on his nightstand, the lights shaping the time 9:26 AM. I spring up from the bed and head to the bedroom door, exiting and then entering the bathroom down the hall. My hands shut the door and lock it, giving me privacy. I look at my own reflection in the mirror. My hair is a tangled mess and my eyes are slightly red from lack of sleep lately. Unhappy, I groaned to myself as I rummaged through the baskets under the sink for a hair brush. After a couple minutes, I finally find one and brush my long brown wavy hair. Then I take my clothes off and get into the shower. In the shower, I can't help but think about how much my life has changed, going into the past and meeting Harry before he was famous. This is like every girls dream! Except for me, it's almost like a nightmare, if I don't get back to the present in five days, or else I'll be in the past forever. 

When I finish my shower, I step out of the porcelain shower chamber and wrap a towel around myself while looking for my clothes. Instead I find a note saying that my clothes are being washed and I'm welcome to wear Gemma's clothes, since she's away on a camping trip. I shrug after reading the note and slowly open the door just enough to look through the crack. Nobody is upstairs, good. I cautiously step out and feel the cold air embrace my exposed skin. I walk into Gemma's room and over to her dresser. I pick out a black tanktop and to put over it, a white lace shirt with blue flowers on it. Finally, a pair of ripped jean shorts.

I carry the clothes back into the bathroom and shut the door. Quickly putting the clothes on and they fit surprisingly well. I then put my hair into a side braid and walk out of the hallway and downstairs into the kitchen to see Harry and Anne eating breakfast.

"Good morning."

"Morning." They greet in unison.

"Sweetie, I have a couple pieces of French-toast in the microwave for you." Anne smiled.

"Thank you, I thought you would've forgotten about me by now." I halfheartedly laugh.

"Heavens no." Anne joined along with my laughing. 

I go to the microwave and open it, revealing a plate with two pieces of French-toast on it. My hands grab it and pull it out, setting it on the table by an empty seat between Anne and Harry. Before sitting down, I grab a fork from the drawer and the syrup from the pantry. I sit down and pour the syrup on my French-toast when Harry starts to speak.

"Jamie, would you wanna go for a walk today with me? You don't have to, it's just a suggestion." Harry blushes.

I giggle, "Sure, I have to go into town anyways to get what's on today's list."

Harry's mouth forms an 'o' shape as he slowly nods and gets up from his seat, washing his plate in the sink. I start to cut my French-toast and take a couple bites when Anne speaks up.

"What list?" 

Me and Harry exchange looks until Harry finally explains everything to her. When Harry is done explaining, and Anne is done asking questions, I'm at the sink drying off my plate.

"Jamie, I'm sorry honey." Anne says getting up from her seat and giving me a hug.

"It's okay, I just have to follow everything on my-" I cut myself off. "My list...wait, where's my list??" I start to panic.

"Was it this?" Anne said while pulling a piece of paper out of her jeans pocket.

I take it and unfold it, yep this is it.

"Yes! Thank you so much, I thought it got washed and I would've been in serious trouble." I sigh with relief and put it in my pocket.

"It's alright, but please be careful you two, who knows what could happen." She says while picking up her plate and washing it in the sink.

To The Past and Back ➳ 1D {Editing Before I Publish More!}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt