Chapter 16

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When I woke up in a small concrete room, I noticed that logs of wood and chains hanging off of the walls were surrounding me. Not to mention two of them already tied around my ankles and wrists. I try to fight my way out of the chains but it's no use, they're too strong. The only thing I got were small cuts from the rust coating the thick chains. Suddenly a metal door across the room opened, a high pitched squeal echoing throughout the room from the old hinges screwed into the door.

"I see you have awoken." The leader spoke deeply, tapping his fingers together in an evil manner.

"Who are you and what do you want with me?" I state through gritted teeth.

He chuckles and turns away, "you'll find out."

He leans out of the doorway and shouts a name but I can't make out what he's saying. His sudden shout made me jump in fear. Moments later, a tall man in a black hoodie and jeans stood in the doorway. His blonde hair combed up into a quiff, almost like a ski jump. They whisper to each other until the blonde one has a small smile playing on his lips. The leader leaves, leaving me and the blonde male alone in the room. He walks over to me and reaches out to touch my face.

"Don't touch me!" I flinch away from his touch.

"No no, I'm not gonna hurt you." He whispers, looking at the door then back at me. "I'm supposed to make you suffer, but I don't want to. I can't hurt you like that."

"Then why are you in this gang?" I ask as he sits next to me. "Isn't the point of being in a gang supposed to be hurting others?"

"Because the leader," He inhales deeply. "Is my uncle. He wants me to take over the gang if he ever gets caught or killed." He rolls his ocean blue eyes.

"I guess I understand that. But I just really want to know why they want me here."

"Because they take in innocent girls and use them for sex. I am the only one that doesn't abuse and use women. Besides, my uncle doesn't want me to do that 'job' yet." He chuckles lightly and his smile is very cheerful despite the dull and old building I'm locked in.

"Thank god!" I lean against the wall. "Could you help me escape?"

"That I can't do, sorry. But when they come back, we have to make it look like I hurt you and made you suffer. I promise I won't lay a finger on you. You just have to stay there with a distressed expression on your face."

"Alright." I smile. "I'm so glad you're not like them."

"Of course I'm not like them! I won't hurt anybody!"

"Alright." I laughed. "By the way, I'm Jamie." I held out a hand for him to shake.

He shook my hand, "Niall."

*~*~*At The Hospital*~*~*

"Harry!" My mom exclaims as she shuffles in her high heels towards my bed with her arms open.

"Hello mum." We both embrace each other before she takes a seat in the chair on the side of my hospital bed.

"Jamie told me everything. I just wanna say that I'm proud of you to be courteous of others but just always be careful."

"Yes, I know. I should've been looking at my surroundings." I say, not wanting to argue with her that I had absolutely no time to move.

"Well, I'm on my lunch break right now so I have to head home sweetie." She kisses my forehead and adjusts her purse strap that was falling down her shoulder.

Well that wasn't long at all. "Okay, I love you."

"Love you too Harry." She blows me a kiss before waving and leaving.

I turn my attention to the window on my right. I can see the whole center of town from here, even the old antique shop I took Jamie to. That day will always be one I'll cherish forever. There's no way I can ever get her off my mind. She's beautiful, smart, funny and just all around amazing. I'm really gonna miss her when she has to leave to the future or for her, present. I wonder if Jamie is in my home yet, hopefully, and if she's not, then she's almost at my house.

"Mr. Styles." The doctor smiles, taking the pen out of his shirt pocket and clicking it once.

"According to the data of your improvement, you can go home later tonight."

"Already?" I ask shocked, he scribbles on his clipboard and looks up at me.

"Yeah, we just have to run a couple quick and easy tests and you'll be good to go." He smiles and checks the monitors next to my bed.

"That is amazing, thank you so much doctor." I sigh.


To The Past and Back ➳ 1D {Editing Before I Publish More!}Where stories live. Discover now