Chapter Fourteen

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About a day later, Zi Xuan drove Yu Hao home.

Well, not to where Yu Hao lived, but to where Zi Xuan lived. Where Zi Xuan could keep an eye on him. He didn't want Yu Hao to hurt himself more than he already had.

After stopping by Yu Hao's apartment to pick up a few of his things, they drove to Zi Xuan's house. Both of them were quiet, but there was so much to say.

Zi Xuan couldn't hold it in any longer. "I'm sorry that you find me annoying. I don't know... I guess I just get too into the older person roll. I didn't worry about your feelings enough."

Yu Hao shrugged. It was the first time in a long time someone had actually apologized to him. Usually, he was the one making mistakes.

"It's okay. I acted like an asshole that night." He smiled at Zi Xuan, who reached out a arm, rubbing Yu Hao's back.

Yu Hao felt comfortable when Zi Xuan touched him, which didn't happen usually. He preferred to be the one initiating things.

Zi Xuan helped Yu Hao carry things up to the apartment they were to live in together.

"I'll clear out the storage room. You can sleep there, if you want." Zi Xuan said. Every time he met Yu Hao's eyes his heart fluttered. It was obvious that they were in love with each other, and everyone who looked could see that.

"Or..." Yu Hao said, looking away from Zi Xuan. His break from Zi Xuan had given him time to think about things, and he thought he would rather have Zi Xuan know his feelings then to hide them any longer. He was tired of hiding. "I could just sleep in your room."

Zi Xuan bit his lip at the statement. "What do you mean? I don't think there's any room for another bed." Zi Xuan had completely missed the point, thinking about all the ways he could fit another bed into his room.

Yu Hao laughed, moving closer. "No, Zi Xuan, I mean like... in your bed." Zi Xuan took a sharp breath in, eyes widening as he realized what Yu Hao meant.

And yet, he still asked. "What do you mean?"

Yu Hao laughed slightly, but he felt targeted and soft. For once, he was letting down his hard facade, but only for one reason.

That one reason was, he trusted Zi Xuan. He would trust Qiu Zi Xuan with his life, and now, he was about to trust him with his heart. "Zi Xuan, I like you. The reason I've been so cold is because I'm afraid of it." He scanned Zi Xuan's face for any source of emotion, but he only looked confused.

Slowly, and hesitantly, Yu Hao reached for Zi Xuan's hand, pulling him closer. Zi Xuan looked up, meeting his bright eyes. "You mean it?"

Slowly, Zi Xuan's hands found their way to Yu Hao's waist, gently pulling him in. Their breaths mingled in the close quarters and clothed chests pressed together. Yu Hao exhaled shakily, his arms moving up to encircle Zi Xuan's neck. "Of course I do, Xuan."

With a small smile, Zi Xuan leaned in, finally uniting their lips with the most delectable feeling ever.

The first kiss was bound to happen at some point. The two men were so infatuated with each other, it was impossible that they wouldn't fall in love. Zi Xuan had dreamed about it for years at that point. In a thousand different ways, a thousand different scenarios, but it never felt like this. It never felt this good, this right.

Yu Hao tilted his head, opening his mouth wider and sucking in Zi Xuan's tongue. He tasted like mint gum and chocolate, which made Yu Hao want to eat him whole.

Zi Xuan was the first to pull away, breathless since he hadn't kissed anyone in so long, and also hoping to reconfirm it was really Yu Hao kissing him.

Yu Hao laughed, a breathy, happy laugh, followed by a little snort. The action made Zi Xuan lean in again, pecking his cheek.

Yu Hao's face suddenly darkened, and he moved forward a step, embracing Zi Xuan. Zi Xuan hugged him back naturally, but wondered what was wrong.

"I'm just... scared." Yu Hao sighed, pulling away. "I always have to worry about what the press thinks and... I just... just...." Yu Hao was unable to find the words he was looking for. "I've... fuelled the fire of my own defeat already. If it got out that I was dating you then-"

"I get it." Zi Xuan cut him off, rubbing Yu Hao's back softly. "You don't want anyone to find out."

"Not yet." Yu Hao moved his face. "Not yet. I don't know when, but I'm not ready to do it right now." Zi Xuan nodded, and Yu Hao could feel his hair move against his.

Suddenly, the door opened and Qian Rui, accompanied by the Korean guy from last week, walked in. Yu Hao and Zi Xuan we're forced to split up, standing in the middle of the living room, looking guilty.

"Sorry, did I interrupt something?" She said, with a hint of sass in her voice.

Zi Xuan laughed nervously. "No, it's fine. I'm just helping Yu Hao in."

Yu Hao felt Qian Rui's eyes on his body, suddenly feeling insecure. He wanted to grab onto something to steady himself.

"Wait, he's moving here?" She asked, eyes wide at the two men standing in the living room.

"Yeah, he is." Zi Xuan stood taller, knowing Yu Hao needed some support. He felt a hand on his shoulder, gaining balance. "Is there a problem with that?"

Qian Rui pursed her lips. "In that case, I should tell you that I'm moving out."

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