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     (Third Person POV)
Y/N roamed around the neighborhood, the small girl had a small braid in her (H/C) hair, she skipped around the neighborhood, her parents behind her. The family was going to visit the Todoroki family for buisness, her parents couldn't get a babysitter so Y/N would just have to tag along. "Mama! Mama look!" the young girl pointed to a Japanese styled home, the Todoroki house. She giggled excitedly "we're here! We're here!" she spoke cheerfully, hopping up the steps and ringing the doorbell. A frail white haired women answered the door. She greeted with a smile "ah, Hello L/N, please, come in" Mrs. Todoroki let the family in, Y/N searching around the large home.

After all small talk was said and done, Y/N was introduced to Shoto Todoroki, the families youngest son. He was around her age, maybe a bit older. She grinned "hello! I'm Y/N!" she noticed the boy was a bit shy, he looked up at her, his eyes amazed Y/N 'they're two flipping colors oh my gawsh!' she thought, smiling even wider "h-hello.." the boy murmured.
That day started a friendship that would never end. Until they're friendship became too loose and distant. They drifted apart after the Todoroki family had that.. Incident. Nobody knew what really happened, not even Y/N who used to be Shoto's best and only friend.
Nobody had seen him again.
Nobody knew where he was.

But Y/N swore to herself
She'd find him one day.

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